Southwest Research Institute
SwRI's technical divisions offer a wide range of technical expertise and services in such areas as engine design and development, emissions certification testing, fuels and lubricants evaluation, chemistry, space science, nondestructive evaluation, automation, mechanical engineering, electronics, and more.
- +1-210-684-5111
- 6220 Culebra Rd.
P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78238-5166
United States
Geologic Stresses on Faults & Fractures Software
3DStress® provides a user-friendly and interactive tool to investigate geologic stress states and effects on developing and reactivating faults and fractures. Components include Mohr circle plots with Hoek-Brown failure criteria, stress-ratio plots, stereonet and three-dimensional (3D) visualization tools to enable the user to illustrate hypothetical situations or complex real-world fault and fracture systems, and a patented stress inversion algorithm that does not require slip direction information.
SwRI Software
NESSUS is an award-winning computer program employing state-of-the-art methods for performing probabilistic analysis of structural/mechanical systems. NESSUS can be used to assess component/system reliability, to identify important random variables, to provide information for risk-based decision analysis and reliability-based optimization, and develop designs that are more cost-effective and reliable than those developed using traditional deterministic design methods.
SwRI Software
NASGRO is a suite of fracture mechanics and fatigue crack growth analysis computer programs that perform assessments of structural life, compute stress intensity factors, and process and store fatigue crack growth properties. Working closely with NASA and industry, SwRI releases new versions of NASGRO annually with many new features. Recent enhancements include many new K solutions, residual stress capabilities, increased speed, new GUIs, residual strength diagrams, spectrum editing, temperature effects, cyclic shakedown models, cycle counting algorithms, and a revised material database. NASGRO received an R&D 100 Award in 2003 and the NASA Software of the Year award in 2003.
SwRI Software
Olympus DISS®
Olympus DISS® is a web-based geographical data and information sharing system designed to search and retrieve geographic data at its source. Olympus DISS® uses established data standards, reference such as the Federal Geographic Data Committee standard, providing a flexible mechanism to build applications upon.
SwRI Software
ROS-Industrial is an open-source project that extends the advanced capabilities of the Robot Operating System (ROS) software to new industrial applications.
SwRI Software
Project Information Management System (PIMS)
PIMS is an integrated web-based project management tool that allows project managers to coordinate and complete many project management activities online, using any web browser. PIMS supports many functions in individual modules, such as action item tracking, risk management, online checklists, non-conformance reporting, and document and image management. Each of these modules can be customized to meet the needs of different projects, and one module -- the custom module -- can be designed completely by project managers to track any function.
SwRI Software
Genetic Programming Environment for FIFTH (GPE5™)
Introduced in 2007 by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), the Genetic Programming Environment for FIFTH (GPE5) incorporates several important features that set it apart from other GP systems. GPE5 programs are evolved using a stack-based language (FIFTH) whose syntax and interpreter is similar to FORTH. The single parameter stack for FIFTH holds containers that support multiple data types with intrinsic handling of vectors and matrices. Other stack-based GP languages use separate stacks for each data type with no provision for manipulating a vector as an object.
SwRI Software
Is a computer program developed and validated by SwRI against full-scale pipe test data as part of a Joint Industry Program (JIP) titled Validation of a Methodology for Assessing Defect Tolerance of Welded Reeled Risers and Flowlines that involved major companies in the offshore industry, including four oil companies, a pipe manufacturer, and a pipeline installer. Although designed to perform engineering critical assessment (ECA) for pipes subjected to high strain when installed by the reeling process, FlawPRO can also perform ECA for conventionally installed pipes. FlawPRO has been used to perform ECA to derive acceptable flaw sizes in support of offshore projects involving pipes installed by the reeling process and using conventional installation methods.