Magnii Technologies, LLC
All our meters are designed and buit in the U.S.A.. The EPA recommends prudent avoidance of EMF's-Make sure your home is safe!
- 9524 E 81st Street
Suite B #1538
Tulsa, OK 74133
United States
Geiger Counter
The USB-RAD121 is a radiation detector that runs completely off your computer's USB port. The device features a classic geiger counter click and light pulse for every count registered, while radiation levels are displayed on the computer. The simple RadGraph software interface displays and graphs readings over time, and even allows the readings to be streamed to a personal webpage.
Software for Magnii Geiger Counters
RadGraph & RadMeter Suite
RadGraph is a comprehensive program that allows graphing readings over time, saving graphs as images and CSV data, printing graphs, analyzing radiation levels over time and also taking simple measurements.
Audio Signal Generator
Contacta Loop-TSG
Audio signal generator that can be used with the Loop-FSM to calibrate audio frequency induction loop (AFIL) systems.
True-RMS AC Gaussmete
Contacta Loop-FSM
True-RMS AC Gaussmeter designed to calibrate audio frequency induction loop (AFIL) systems.
Professional AC Measurement
MT-263 AC Gaussmeter
True-RMS 3-Axis AC Gaussmeter with all the features you could want. Three axis measurement is accurate regardless of meter orientation. Professional, easy to use and feature rich, all at a great price.
3-Axis EMF Meter Ignore/Bandpass/Analyze Powerlines
DSP-523 Gaussmeter
The DSP-523 uses a powerful digital signal processor that sets a new standard for AC gaussmeters. Now you can ignore powerlines, bandpass powerlines and analyze powerline harmonics, all with one simple meter.