Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
The company's mission is to provide a central source for the products and services necessary for proper semiconductor thermal measurement and modeling and solutions to attendant thermal management problems.
- 650-961-5900
- 650-227-3714
- 3287 Kifer Road
Santa Clara, CA
United States
Thermal Load Boards
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
A Thermal Load Board (TLB) is used to simulate an application printed circuit assembly (PCA) either before all the heat-producing components are available for mounting on the application PCA or if the heat-producing components require complex electronic circuitry to create heat within the components. The TLB is typically designed to be as mechanically and thermally equivalent to the application PCA and usually offers a way to vary the power dissipation of the elements that simulate the heat-producing components.
Thermal Software
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
A tool designed to provide a quick estimate of the temperature and thermal resistance from a heat source to a reference heat sink. It also shows the temperature and thermal resistance value of each layer in the heat flow path. The program can accomodate up to ten layers of different materials of varying dimensions between the heat source and sink. The heat spreading angle can be set independently for each layer to a value between 0 and 45 degrees; the tool will automatically determine if heat flow reaches the layer edge and then convert to columnar flow.
TIM (Thermal Interface Material) Measurement System
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
A system for the measurement of thermal conductivity of a wide range of thermal interface materials - grease, pads, foils, etc. - with a measurement range of of roughly 0.1 to 500W/m-K. (>500W/m-K available on custom basis.)
Device Thermal Test Systems
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
Thermal test system combines the test and measurement capability of dedicated instruments with the ease of operation and data collecting capability offered by graphical-user-interface-driven software operating on an integrated computer.Diodes (PN, Schottky, LED, varactor, PIN), Stacked Diodes (Hi-V Rectifiers & LEDs), Laser Diodes, Transistors (Bipolar, MOSFET, IGBT) & Diodes, Integrated Circuits (Application & Thermal Test Die).
Temperature Calibration System
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
Systems for determining relationship between temperature-sensing junction voltage versus junction temperature of diodes, integrated circuits and thermal test die. Provides internal current sources, voltage measurement to 1 mV, and temperature measurement to 0.1ºC. 16-channel capability with optional printer and serial port data output.
Temperature Measurement System
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
The self contained TMM-100 module accepts diode, thermocouple and thermistor temperature sensors. The USB-connected instrument is supplied with Windows™ 7, 8 & 10 compatible software that provides for sensor measurement on a cyclic basis and for data logging of all measured values. LabVIEW™ Virtual Instrument (VI) drivers are available as an extra cost option for users that wish to incorporate the TMM-100 into an application-specific measurement environment.
Thermal Test Chip
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
Thermal Test Chips (TTC) are used in many different Applications: Package Thermal Characterization, Heat Source Simulator, Temperature Reference Platform, Transient Analysis, System Thermal Management Design, Thermal Interface Material (TIM) Measurement & Characterization, Heat Sink Measurement & Characterization.
Thermal Test Boards
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
TEA offers a series of thermal test boards for package characterization and design comparison that conform to to the JEDEC JESD51 standards. The board family, referred to as the TTB-1000 series, consists of two different standard sizes designed to cover a wide range of package sizes. These boards, also referred to as test coupons, provide a well defined mounting environment, will withstand temperatures to 125 oC, and have lead lands terminated in eyelets to allow for hand-wired connection to the board edge contacts. The board mates with a dual 18-pin, 3.962 mm (0.156") pitch edge-card connector.
Semiconductor Package Wind Tunnel
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
The WT-100 Forced Convection (Moving Air) Wind Tunnel is designed in accordance with the EIA/JEDEC JESD51-6 standard for thermal characterization of semiconductor packages and devices. The vertical design minimizes laboratory floor space requiements. Air is drawn in at the bottom and exhausts at the top. The test section is large enough to accommodate the largest JEDEC and SEMI thermal test boards. Air velocity can be adjusted over the range of 0.5 to 5 m/s; air velocity is monitored with an included hot-wire anemometer connected to a digital display. A Type-T thermocouple is mounted in the test section for monitoring the moving air temperature.
TIM Characterization Tools
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
Combining Thermal Test Vehicles (TTVs) with Thermal Test Boards (TTBs) results in a set of tools that perform the basis for TIM thermal characterization under application-oriented measurement conditions. Availability of these tools creates a de facto standard that enable both TIM manufacturers and TIM users to compare measurement results under the same conditions.
Thermal Test Vehicles
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
Using the TTC-1002 Thermal Test Chip as a basis, TEA offers TTVs in flip-chip, bare die, BGA packages for a variety of thermal simulation, reliability, qualification, heat sink characterization, and TIM characterization activities. Selective unused balls are sequentially connected together for daisy-chain applications.
Thermal Characterization Testing Services
Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc.
Thermal Characterization - TEA offers this service to customers having need for precise thermal parameter values for product data sheets, purchase specifications, specific application configurations, and/or device comparisons. This service is offered for a wide range of Discrete Devices (i.e., Bipolar Junction Transistors, MOSFETs, IGBTs, Diodes, SCRs, Triacs) and Integrated Circuits (i.e., digital, linear and mixed-signal devices).