Electro-Chemical Devices
Electro-Chemical Devices (ECD) is a manufacturer of liquid analytical process instrumentation.
- 1-800-729-1333
1-714-695-0051 - 1-714-695-0057
- sales@ecdi.com
- 1500 North Kellogg Drive
Anaheim, California 92807
United States
Designed for the continuous measurement of pH, ORP, pION, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Conductivity or Resistivity in a general purpose industrial environment.
Hazardous Location Sensors
The S88 pH Sensors are one part of the Model S88 Intelligent Sensors product line. The S88 Sensors offering includes pH Sensors, ORP Sensors, Ion Selective Sensors, Dissolved Oxygen Sensors, Conductivity Sensors and Resistivity Sensors. The S88 sensors have two Universal Sensor Designs; Insertion/Submersion or Valve Retractable with flared end to prevent blow out. The standard S88 sensors have 316 Stainless Steel housings although various materials of construction are available to maximize sensor performance while minimizing cost of ownership. For other materials of construction request a quotation from the factory.
Portable Analyzer and Calibrator
ECD’s portable analyzer and calibrator product lines are a simple convenient way to obtain fast, accurate pH and ORP measurements. They provide a milliVolt output signal for fast field analysis of samples, calibration verification, or trouble-shooting of installed sensors.
Cation Conductivity Analyzer
CE800 Series
The CE800 Series Analyzers are a family of on-line Cation Conductivity Analyzers. Cation Conductivity is also known as Acid Conductivity and Conductivity After Cation Exchange and is the measure of electrolytic conductivity of a liquid sample after that liquid sample has passed through an ion exchange resin column containing cation resin. The conductivity of makeup water, feedwater and condensate after passing through a colum of strongly acid cation exchanger resin is an important chemical measurment used in steam generating power plants.
OEM Sensors For Liquid Analytical Measurements
*Connect Sensors Directly to the OEM’s control or monitoring system*Connect Sensors via MODBUS RTU*Connect Sensors via USB*Intelligent Sensor: Stores Identity and Calibration Information*Replaceable Electrode Cartridges: Application Specific Solution*Replaceable Electrode Cartridges: Low cost of Ownership*Insertion/Submersion with adjustable gland fittings and Valve *Retractable Designs*Wide Variety of Materials of Construction for Industrial Applications
Nutrient- NH4, NO3
The HYDRA-DS Nitrate Analyzers are designed to monitor the nitrification process directly in the aeration basin or clarifier of a Waste Water Treatment Plant. The HYDRA Nitrate Sensor uses ISE technology to measure the Nitrate. Chloride ions interfere with the Nitrate Ion Electrode, compensation for the chloride ion interference on the nitrate electrode is preformed automatically in the T80 HYDRA-DS analyzer.
Wastewater Samplers – Portable
The ECD Analyzers range of portable automatic wastewater samplers consists of three models, the very small AQUA-COMPACT, the passively cooled AQUA-COOLBOX and the versatile multi-bottle AQUA-MULTIX, providing complete sampling flexibility.
Intelligent Sensors
The S80 Sensors offering includes pH Sensors, ORP Sensors, Ion Selective Sensors, Dissolved Oxygen Sensors, Conductivity Sensors and Resistivity Sensors.
Dissolved Oxygen
Is designed for the continuous measurement of trace levels of dissolved oxygen in aqueous systems.
Online Analyzers
Analysers which are connected to a process, and conduct automatic sampling.
Lab & Portable
An analytical instrument that can be used in the lab, at-line close to production, and in the field.
UV Analyzers
Model UV6
The Model UV6 Analyzers are a family of on-line sampling analyzers that use UV absorption to perform an analysis. The analyzers are configured to perform analysis over a wide range of values for each parameter measured, Nitrate, Color, or the correlation at 254 nm wavelength for COD, BOD or TOC. The UV6 Analyzers are easy to start up and use, simply connect the sample, waste and cleaning solution/reagent lines and then power up the Factory Calibrated analyzer. Wall mounting hardware is standard but an optional benchtop stand with reagent holder is also available. Accessing information or customizing an analysis routine are easily accomplished with the simple, user friendly menu structure and touch screen interface.
TOC Analyzers
Utilizes the method of UV persulfate oxidation, detection of generated carbon dioxide using a Non Dispersive Infrared Detector (NDIR), which conforms to EPA, DIN, CE, ASTM, NAMUR regulations.
A set of equipment used to generate and transmit electromagnetic waves carrying messages or signals, especially those of radio or television.
Chlorine Analyzers
Are used in a variety of municipal and industrial applications requiring the measurement and control of residual chlorine levels.