M+P International
Founded in 1980 as spin-off of the Institute of Technical Mechanics at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, business was first focused on consulting and computational tasks for structural dynamics and applied mechanics. Today M+P International develops and manufactures test and measurement systems for vibration testing, dynamic signal analysis, data acquisition, process monitoring and test stand engineering. Our state-of-the-art products meet the highest demands on quality and reliability and have a significant market share in numerous key industries worldwide – everywhere where maximum efficiency and shortest time to market are crucial.
- +1 973 239 3005
- +1 973 239 2858
- webmpi@mpihome.com
- sales.na@mpihome.com
- 271 Grove Avenue
Building G
Verona, New Jersey 07044-1705
United States
Dynamic Signal Analysis
m+p Analyzer is a fully integrated solution for dynamic signal measurement, analysis and advanced reporting of all noise and vibration, acoustics and general dynamic signal applications. Comprehensive time and frequency analysis is available with both online and offline data processing. Complete with advanced application wizards the m+p dynamic signal analyzer makes light work of gathering data, displaying results, performing specialized analysis and generating customer ready reports – all within one user interface. m+p Analyzer is designed for noise and vibration applications in the field and in the lab.
Rotating Machinery Analysis
The Rotate software package is part of the m+p Analyzer Software for noise & vibration measurements and analysis. It provides a wide range of data acquisition and analysis tools for capturing and understanding noise and vibration induced in rotating and reciprocating machines by their motion. Fixed and variable speed machines are accommodated as are both structural vibration and condition monitoring diagnostics. Multiple tacho inputs can be processed for accurate speed tracking during analysis. Spectral mapping, order tracking, time history and orbit data analysis are all available.
Temperature Measurements
Temperature is one of the most common types of measured quantities. With m+p Coda, you can measure temperature in various environments and for various test requirements. It also addresses demanding distributed measurement applications over large distances.
Test Stand Engineering
m+p international has the expertise, experience and all resources necessary to design and construct custom-made vibration and functional test stands for various industries. You determine the range of services, the time frame and the budget.
Time Domain Replication (Road Load Simulation)
The powerful graphical editor makes it easy to review and compile your field sample data for use in the test lab. The point editor, filters, velocity and displacement compensation ensure the test feasibility is evaluated at an early stage. The continuous closed-loop controller then replicates the test files with very high levels of precision. The control algorithms use a continuous coherence averaging technique to ensure a stable proactive control loop that will not only provide accurate replication but will also respond to changes in test item dynamics.
Vibration Test Rigs
If you are looking for a complete vibration test rig from one source, m+p international is the place to come. We also provide custom-made vibration test rigs which are built in close co-operation with our customers in accordance with their requirements and specifications.
Acoustic Control System
m+p VibControl performs acoustic testing in reverberation chambers and direct field environments as well as progressive wave tube testing. It is a fully automatic digital control system, providing fast, accurate and repeatable control of high-level noise to a reference octave band spectrum and the overall sound pressure level (OASPL). The control guarantees a high level of product safety.
Dynamic Signal Acquisition and Analysis
m+p Analyzer systems are available for field and laboratory use from 4 to many hundreds of measurement channels. From gathering simple time history data to narrowband (FFT) spectra, fractional octaves, wavelets, shock response spectra and much more, m+p Analyzer real time analyzers can be used with a wide range of instrumentation hardware including our own m+p VibPilot, m+p VibRunner and m+p VibMobile systems, National Instruments (CompactDAQ USB, PCI, PXI) and VTI Instruments (PCI). Low cost portable instruments to systems for distributed measurements can be configured for maximum flexibility. Measurement data from all sources are stored in a common format so it is easy to compare and handle results from any measurement source.
Data Reduction
Data reduction systems with or without time history recording to throughput disc are frequently used in critical aerospace testing applications where complete measurements of a high number of channels are required for post-test and possible failure analysis. The m+p VibControl data reduction system configurations are tailored to the specific needs of high-performance measurement applications requiring hundreds or thousands of input channels.
Environmental Vibration Testing
Whether for independent monitoring or just adding additional channels to an existing vibration controller, the m+p Analyzer real time analyzer provides an ideal solution for measuring vibration and other responses during a shaker test or with shock machines. All test modes allow in-parallel throughput to disk recording so that the raw sample data is available for post-test analysis.
Modal Analysis
The Modal Analysis package is part of m+p Analyzer, m+p international's dynamic signal analyzer for noise & vibration measurements and analysis. It provides a complete set of tools for observing, analysing and documenting the vibrational behaviour of machines and mechanical structures. Software modules are available for classical and operational modal analysis, shaker measurements (SIMO and MIMO) as well as for ODS, SDOF and MDOF analysis. A modal model validation module is also provided.
Multi-Axis Vibration Control
m+p VibControl provides coupled and uncoupled multi-axis vibration testing (MIMO) in a closed control loop. Test modes include random, sine, shock and time domain replication (road load simulation). Multi-axis motions are characteristic of field environments. The more a vibration test can replicate the field environment, the more realistically it can induce a vibration stress loading equivalent to that experienced by the product in the field.
Mixed Mode Testing
The Mixed Mode add-on modules for the Random Vibration Control Software allow tests to run with sine tones and/or narrowband random signals superimposed on a random background. Mixed mode testing is a complex control task, and m+p VibControl supports three modes: Sine-on-Random (SoR), Random-on-Random (RoR) and Sine-on-Random-on-Random (SoRoR). Gunfire burst control can also be superimposed in each case.
Sine Vibration Control
Sine control is one of the two basic and most common excitation modes for Environmental Shaker testing. This control mode performs real-time closed-loop control of swept sine vibration. The m+p VibControl vibration control system allows the user to designate all input channels as control, watchdog and/or measurement channels.
Random Vibration Control
Random control is one of the two basic and most common excitation modes for Environmental Shaker testing. Random performs real-time closed-loop control of PSD profiles. The m+p VibControl vibration control system allows the user to designate all input channels as control, watchdog and/or measurement channels.