XGLab S.R.L.
XGLab is a new Company whose core-business is the development of high-performance electronics and instrumentation for X-ray and Gamma-ray applications.
- (+39) 02 49660460
- info@xglab.it
- D'Ovidio 3
Via Francesco
Milano, 20131
OEM Digital Pulse Processor
The DPP-4553 is a high-performance and low power digital pulse processor board developed to be easily integrated in OEM systems. It integrates state-of-the-art performance in a very compact form factor, enabling high count rate application (up to OCR=1.8Mcsp @ICR=5Mcps) as well as low element detection down to Beryllium and Lithium.
Digital Pulse Processor For X-Ray Spectroscopy
The Digital Pulse Processor for X-Ray Spectroscopy
Bias Boards
The CUBE Bias Boards are a set of off-the-shelf biasing boards developed to speed-up the integration process of the CUBE CMOS preamplifier family of XGLab. These boards allow to bias both the detector (SDD as standard, other detector upon request) and the CUBE preamplifier.