Laser-Detect Systems Ltd.
Established in 2004, Laser Detect Systems (LDS) is a world-leading developer of stand-off laser-based trace detection technology, based on advanced laser spectrometry. Utilizing this technology, LDS has commercialized patented, ground-breaking systems for homeland security, law enforcement, military and environmental safety. These systems enable the stand-off, real-time sensing and trace detection of a variety of materials which have a distinct spectral signature without the need for sampling. These include explosives, PETN, narcotics, chemicals, biological substances, and other hazardous materials, in liquid form.
- +972 (0)3 970 5000
- +972 (0)3 605 4566
- 5 Granite st. POB 3359
Petach Tikva,
Multi-sensor Drug & Explosive Detection System
LDS Hybrid Detection Kit (HDK) - By operating the sensors in parallel, and in real-time, results in much higher probability of detection than the performance of each specific detector. Integrated solution including laser detection technologies, dual Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (IMS) and chemical detection, that operate in synch. The HDK employs a proprietary algorithm to processes the feeds from each of the detectors. Operating the sensors in parallel, and in real-time, results in a much higher probability of detection than the performance of each specific detector. HDK also provides much lower false positive rate, even in conditions that hinder detection by each of the specific techniques.