SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
A leading manufacturer and distributor of surface analysis and thin film deposition components and systems for Bio and Nano Technology,
- +49 30 46 78 24-0
- +49 30 46 42 08 3
- support@specs.com
- Voltastrasse 5
Berlin, 13355
Electron Sources
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
To our customers in research and industry we offer a variety of sources for deposition, excitation and charge neutralization as well as analyzers and monochromators. Most of our sources originate from product lines which we have taken over from Leybold AG, Cologne, and from VSI GmbH. The X-ray monochromator Focus 500 and the UV monochromator TMM 302 are original developments by SPECS.Compliance with industry standards, a good price-performance ratio, stability, and longevity are the guidelines for our product development. We focus on standardized easy handling, user-friendliness, standardized software interfaces and safety.
Electron Spectrometers
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
Nanotechnology is focused on the engineering and the physical properties of small structures. Therefore techniques that have sensitivities at a scale of 0.1 nm to 100 nm are required to study these structures. Different methods of electron spectroscopy (XPS, UPS and AES) have a sensitivity in this range and are therefore key techniques in nanoscience.Thanks to our high level of expertise in electron optics and electronics we can offer electron spectrometers with the highest resolution and transmission possible.
Excitation Sources
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
o our customers in research and industry we offer a variety of sources for deposition, excitation and charge neutralization as well as analyzers and monochromators. Most of our sources originate from product lines which we have taken over from Leybold AG, Cologne, and from VSI GmbH. The X-ray monochromator Focus 500 and the UV monochromator TMM 302 are original developments by SPECS.
Scanning Probe Microscopy
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
As Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a key tool for nanotechnology, SPECS offers dedicated solutions for highly demanding requirements.In UHV, strong emphasis lies on spectroscopic methods such as scanning tunneling spectroscopy and inelastic tunneling spectroscopy as well as single atom and molecule manipulation. With the invention of a Joule-Thomson cryostat by Prof. Wulf Wulfhekel, SPECS now offers the JT-STM , operating sample and sensors in thermal equilibrium below 1K with optional high magnetic field.
SPM Control System
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
Unbound to any specific microscope, the Nanonis SPM Control System is designed for the uncompromising demands of scientific excellence in a wide variety of SPM applications. Its modular concept implemented in a fully digital fashion is carefully thought through, with a strong emphasis on usability, stability and flexibility.
Thin-film deposition
Plasma Source
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
Thin-film deposition covers any technique for depositing material onto a bulk or thin film substrate. Elemental alloy or compound films are produced by non-reactive or reactive (co-)deposition. Often functionalization or tailoring of device interfaces by predeposition or deposition assisting surface treatment with atoms or ions is necessary.