Parallax Inc.
We’re making some changes at Parallax to really focus in on what we do best: our educational programs and our own custom multicore microcontrollers. This focus means more curriculum on, more tools and support for the Propeller, more American manufacturing, and a massive sale to simplify the product line!
- (916)624-8003
888-512-1024 -
- (916)624-8333
- 599 Menlo Drive, Ste 100
Rocklin, CA 95765
United States
5-Position Switch
The 5-Position Switch is a normally open contact switch. It has a nice snappy feel, and returns to the center/un-pressed position immediately when it is released. By monitoring the input state of five pins, it’s easy for any Parallax microcontroller to detect whether the switch is in the up, down, left, right, or pressed position. It is possible for more than one position to make contact at a time, such as pressed+right, left+down, or pressed+right+down, for a total of 18 output states.
Fingerprint Scanner
The Fingerprint Scanner is an imaging module designed to quickly and accurately capture, save, scan, and compare fingerprints. It’s designed for high-speed, reliable biometric identification. It is an intelligent module that provides functionalities like fingerprint recording, image processing, feature extraction, template generation, template storage, fingerprint matching and searching.
Key Fob Remote And Receiver PCB
This Key Fob Remote and Receiver PCB can be used to control your custom projects from up to 50 feet away. The remote and receiver are pre-synchronized for your convenience. (Should your receiver not respond to the fob and you need to repeat the pairing process, see this video (also linked under the Downloads & Resources tab.)
DS18B20 TO-92 Digital Thermometer Temperature IC Sensor
The DS18B20 digital thermometer is a high-resolution (9-bit to 12-bit) Celsius temperature sensor with a built-in alarm and user-programmable alarm level. The sensor uses a 1-Wire bus that requires data, power and ground. Each sensor has a unique ID, allowing them to be configured and identified on the same bus. Distributed machines, buildings, and process control are common applications. This sensor was brought into Parallax inventory for use in the P2 Quick Byte series as a demonstration device for the 1-Wire Object. This part is easily wired into a breadboard, too.
Mini Liquid Level Sensor
The Mini Liquid Level Sensor is made to be inserted vertically into wet environments to detect liquid level from 0 to 1.88” (48 mm) or as an alarm. This sensor has a single analog output which may be directly connected to the Propeller Activity Board 4-channel A/D converter or easily interfaced with the MCP3002 A/D with a FLiP Multicore Microcontroller.
Moisture Sensor Probe
The Moisture Sensor Probe is a fork-like physical package that easily inserts into soil or other soft, non-corrosive media. This sensor uses conductivity to detect the amount of moisture between the probes. The likely use of this sensor is in potted plants, micro-farming research and with some non-soil environments.
Melexis 90217 Hall-Effect Sensor
Parallax has worked with the Melexis 90217 sensor in applications including CNC milling machine spindle speed measurement and feedback on motor RPM. With the CNC milling machine it reliably measured the top spindle speed of 7,500 RPM. This is a cost-effective and highly functional hall-effect sensor. The Melexis 90217 is designed to be used with a bias magnet (#605-00006) south facing the back (non-marked) side of the IC. With a single Hall plate, this sensor is immune to common rotary alignment problems. Very easy to interface with all microcontrollers.
Proximity 3 Click
Parallax speeds the process of Propeller 2 development through our partnership with MikroE, who has created a family of 850+ Clicks for most I/O functions you may envision. For each of the Click boards stocked by Parallax, you will find a documented Spin 2 code example on our Propeller GitHub Object Exchange. Connect your Click boards to the Propeller 2 Evaluation Board or P2-EC Edge Breakout Breadboard using the #64008 P2 to MikroBus Click Adapter. Proximity 3 click is an intelligent proximity and light sensing device, which features the VCNL4200 sensor from Vishay – high sensitivity long distance proximity sensor (PS), ambient light sensor (ALS) and 940 nm IRED, all in one small package.
PIR Sensor With LED Signal
The PIR Sensor detects motion by measuring changes in the infrared (heat) levels emitted by surrounding objects. When motion is detected a LED lights up the lens dome as a visual signal, and the module also outputs a high signal on its output pin.
Wide Angle PIR Sensor With LED Signal
Similar in functionality to our original PIR Sensor with LED Signal (#555-28027), the Wide Angle PIR Sensor features a larger detection angle of 180˚. This makes it ideal in applications where users need to track movements across a large, open area.
QTI Sensor
The QTI Sensor is a close-proximity infrared emitter/receiver that is able to differentiate between a dark surface) with low IR reflectivity) and a light surface (with high IR reflectivity). These little sensors can be very handy for line following, maze navigation, or sensing the outer rim of a SumoBot ring. Wiring options allow it to be used digitally for fast black/white line following, or as an analog sensor to detect different shades of gray. A daylight filter is built into the sensor.
PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor + Protector Stand
The PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is perfect for any number of applications that require you to perform measurements between moving or stationary objects. The sensor measures distance using sonar; an ultrasonic (well above human hearing) pulse is transmitted from the unit and distance-to-target is determined by measuring the time required for the echo return. Output from the PING))) sensor is a variable-width pulse that corresponds to the distance to the target.The protector stand was designed to help fortify the PING))) sensor against collision damage, and to provide a more stylish appearance in doing so. The stand is cut from high-grade aluminum and can be attached to your projects easily.
SF30/C High Speed Laser Rangefinder – 100 M
The SF30/C High Speed Laser Rangefinders can output an amazing 18317 readings per second. Lightweight and compact, this 0–100 meter rangefinder is designed to detect terrain and obstacles or create maps from moving vehicles and UAVs. It uses a time-of-flight system to make accurate distance measurements that are not affected by surface texture, speed, wind, changes in barometric pressure, noise, ambient light, terrain, or air temperature.
LW20/C Sealed Mini Laser Rangefinder, Serial – 100 M
The compact, lightweight LW20/C Sealed Mini Laser Rangefinder is the ideal choice where size and weight matter yet protection is needed in outdoor environments. This sensor can perform distance sensing with first and last return signals for multi-obstacle environments. Its serial interface can be utilized by many different microcontrollers, with selectable data rates between 48 and 388 readings per second.
Gyroscope Module 3-Axis L3G4200D
The Gyroscope Module 3-Axis L3G4200D provides raw angular rate and temperature data measurements that are accessed from the selectable digital I2C or SPI interface. The small package design and SIP interface accompanied by the mounting hole make the sensor easy to integrate into your projects. Designed to be used with a variety of microcontrollers, the module has a large operating voltage window.