Raymond RF Measurements Corp.
Raymond RF Measurements Corp. specializes in the design, manufacture and testing of RF shielded enclosures and antenna measurement systems for military, government, high tech, medical and industrial applications. Since 1992, we have been delivering full turnkey solutions that have exceeded both industry standards and customer expectations.
- 613-454-5707
- info@raymondrf.ca
- 3994 Elphin Maberly Road
PO Box 23072
Ottawa, Ontario K2A 4E2
RF Filters
Raymond RF offers a complete line of RF filters ranging from 0.4A to 600A in both stand-alone and cabinet-mounted configurations for our QuietBoxes and Anechoic Chambers. Both styles of filters can be supplied with NPT pipe nipples and flange nuts for mounting directly on a QuietBox or Anechoic Chamber. Alternately, both styles of filters can be remotely mounted with shielded conduit running between the clean end of the filter and the QuietBox or Anechoic Chamber.
Antenna Measurement Software
Raymond RF's Antenna Measurement Software performs 2-D (polar/rectangular) and 3-D (spherical) antenna pattern measurements for passive antennas and active wireless mobile stations (cell phones). Insertion loss of passive devices is included as part of the calibration component. Data management and reporting of antenna properties such as half power beam-width, directivity, gain, radiation efficiency, total radiated power, and total isotropic sensitivity. AMS performs and reports all measurements required by the CTIA Over-the-Air Performance Test Plan.
RF Shielded Enclosure, 80dB Isolation Testing
The Raymond RF QuietBox-80c/r line of all-aluminum tabletop and rack mountable RF Shielded Cabinets offers effective RF isolation in a lightweight, fully-customizable package. Each QuietBox 80c/r is designed from the ground up to satisfy all the requirements of the client including enclosure dimensions, door swing and mounting style (tabletop or rack mount).
RF Shielded Enclosure for Pre-Compliance EMC and CTIA Testing
QuietBox-AR "Mini-Range"
The Raymond RF QuietBox-AR is a mobile solution for pre-compliance EMC and CTIA testing, 3D antenna pattern measurement, and total radiated power & total isotropic sensitivity testing. Fully equipped with client-specified broadband absorber, integrated antenna and rolling cart, the QuietBox-AR is a cost effective option for product verification prior to fully compliant testing.
RF Shielded Enclosure, 100dB from 1MHz to 10GHz
The Raymond RF QuietBox-100m line portable shielded enclosures are made from the same proven modular RF shielding materials as full size Modular RF Shielded Enclosure systems and offer the same exceptional RF Shielding Effectiveness. The QuietBox-100m is the perfect portable tabletop and laboratory enclosure where larger interior volume or higher RF Shielding Effectiveness is required.