Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
SRS is a privately held corporation which designs and manufactures high performance test equipment.
- (408) 744-9040
- (408) 744-9049
- 1290-D Reamwood Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
United States
Computer Interface, GPIB and RS-232
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR245 Computer Interface module is a powerful tool for data acquisition. It provides both an analog and a digital interface between your computer and your experiment.
DC to 350 MHz Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The model SR240A 350 MHz Preamplifier is a 4-channel, DC-coupled instrument with a gain of 5 per channel. The amplifiers can be used independently or cascaded to provide gains of 5, 25, 125 or 625.
Digital Delay / Pulse Generator
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The DG535 Digital Delay and Pulse Generator provides four precisely-timed logic transitions or two independent pulse outputs. The delay resolution on all channels is 5 ps, and the channel-to-channel jitter is less than 50 ps.
Diode Temperature Monitor
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SIM922 Diode Temperature Monitor and the SIM923 Platinum RTD Monitor are designed to measure four sensors simultaneously. Based on the modular SIM platform, they provide high-performance and multiple-channel capability in a small footprint.
DSP Dual Phase Lock-In Amplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR850 is a digital lock-in amplifier based on an innovative DSP (Digital Signal Processing) architecture. The SR850 boasts a number of significant performance advantages over traditional lock-in amplifiers?higher dynamic reserve, lower drift, lower distortion, and dramatically higher phase resolution.
Dual Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR785 Two-Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer is a precision, full-featured signal analyzer that offers state-of-the-art performance at a price that's less than half that of competitive analyzers
Gated Integrator, 2 ns Minimum Gate Width
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR250 Gated Integrator is a versatile, high-speed, NIM module designed to recover fast analog signals from noisy backgrounds
Gate Scanner
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR200 Gate Scanner module is designed to automate waveform recovery with the SR250 and SR255 Gated Integrator modules. Waveform recovery is done by slowly scanning the gate of the integrator over the waveform of interest.
High Voltage Power Supply
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The PS300 High Voltage Power Supply series consists of three efficient, microprocessor-controlled, switching DC power supplies capable of delivering 25 W of output power at voltages up to 5 kV.
Isolated Voltage Source
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SIM928 Isolated Voltage Source is ideal for applications where ultra-clean DC voltage is required. Voltage can be set between ±20 VDC with millivolt resolution, and the source can drive up to ±10 mA
JFET Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SIM910 and SIM911 are low-noise, programmable preamplifiers which are ideal for a wide range of small signal applications. The primary differences between the two models are their input impedance and input noise.
Lock-In Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR552 Voltage Preamplifier is designed to work with SRS lock-in amplifiers, providing gain where it is needed most?right at the experiment. The preamplifier minimizes noise and pickup in the connecting lines and can reduce measurement time in noise-limited experiments.
Lock-In Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR550 Voltage Preamplifier is designed to work with any SRS lock-in amplifier. Preamplifiers provide gain close to the experimental detector, before the signal-to-noise ratio is permanently degraded by cable capacitance and pickup
Low Noise Current Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR570 is a low-noise current preamplifier capable of current gains as large as 1 pA/V. High gain and bandwidth, low noise, and many convenient features make the SR570 ideal for a variety of photonic, low temperature and other measurements.
Low-Noise Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR560 is a high-performance, low-noise preamplifier that is ideal for a wide variety of applications including low-temperature measurements, optical detection, and audio engineering