Strobe Data Inc.
Located in Washington State's Puget Sound high tech corridor not far from Microsoft headquarters, Strobe Data Inc is a 27 year-old company which designs and manufactures the Hawk Co-Processor, a PC add-in board, sold internationally as a replacement for Data General's 16 bit minicomputers, and the Osprey Co-Processor, a similar product targeted to Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-11 minicomputer users.
- 425-861-4940
- 425-861-4295
- 8405 165th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052 - 3913
United States
Custom OEM Chassis
5.25" high by 19" wide by 20" deep (134 x 483 x 508 mm), this chassis is FCC/CE certifiable**. A quad-height Qbus backplane, cooling fans, and slides are provided, diskette and hard drives (two visible 5.25" and two hidden 3.5" bays), and up to four quad-
Hawk - E Co Processor
9322 E
Basic Hawk Co-Processor card set with 2.0 Mbyte memory and microcoded instructions for Nova 4X and Eclipse S280. Executes ALU instructions in 275 nanoseconds. ISA bus compatible, two slots required. Approximate CPU performance of actual S280.
Hawk - EF Co-Processor
9322 EF
Hawk Co-Processor (Hawk-E) including hardware floating point option, two slots required. 430K Whetstones/second under Fortran V.
Hawk EI Co-Processor
9322 EI
Hawk Co-Processor (Hawk-E) including I/O bus adapter with control logic for DG-compatible I/O devices, two slots required. Supports both Programmed and Data Channel I/O.
Kestrel /DX Co-Processor
Windows/NT Kestrel Co-Processor for two times the speed of the Kestrel /SX. Occupies one PCI slot. A writable control store, FPGA implementation of the HP1000 architecture with 4 MBytes of tightly coupled, zero wait-state memory
Migration to Windows platforms
PDP-11, HP1000 and Nova / Eclipse
The ultimate migration approach for legacy 16-bit minicomputers and applications, Strobe hardware/software emulation products execute RSX, RSTS and RT-11 (DEC PDP-11), RTE (HP1000) and RDOS (Data General Nova and Eclipse) in a Windows environment on enterprise PC technology. Migrating complete applications from the minicomputer to Strobe Data's Osprey, Kestrel or Hawk ordinarily takes less than a day.
Osprey ISA Q-Bus Adapter board
Qbus Controller board for Osprey ISA/EISA bus compatible. Occupies PC slot adjacent to item 2 or 3. I/O Adapter logic provides Programmed I/O and DMA access to "real" Qbus compatible controllers (those not otherwise emulated).
Osprey ISA Unibus Adapter
Unibus Controller board is EISA/ISA bus compatible and occupies PC slot adjacent to item 2 or 3. I/O Adapter logic provides Programmed I/O and DMA access to "real" Unibus compatible controllers (those not otherwise emulated).
Osprey PCI Qbus Adapter
Dual-height card plugs into PDP-11 Qbus backplane. Fibrechannel cable plugs into Qbus logic connector on Osprey /TXP. I/O Adapter logic provides Programmed I/O and DMA access to "real" Qbus compatible controllers (those not otherwise emulated).
Osprey PCI Unibus Adapter
Dual-height card plugs into PDP-11 Unibus backplane. Fibrechannel cable plugs into Unibus logic connector on Osprey /TXP I/O Adapter logic provides Programmed I/O and DMA access to "real" Unibus compatible controllers (those not otherwise emulated).
Osprey /SXP Co-Processor
PCI version of the Osprey /SX successor to the Osprey 18B Occupies one PCI slot. A writable control store, FPGA implementation of the PDP-11 architecture with 4 MBytes of tightly coupled, zero wait-state memory.
Rack Mount Hawk/PC Chassis
A slide-in replacement for a Nova/Eclipse. A 10.5 inch (267 mm) high chassis with a 5-position Nova/Eclipse backplane and card cage, 450 watt power supply, cooling and rack slides. Accommodates up to five DG-compatible 15" x 15" (381 x 381mm) boards, a PC motherboard, diskette drive and up to three visible half-height disk drive bays and one internal half-height drive bay.
Rack Mount Kestrel Chassis A-Series
ATXstyle Motherboard, 3 x 5-1/4" Bays, 2 x 3-1/2". A 10-Slot HP 1000 backplane, cooling fans, and slides are provided plus space for a standard ATX PC motherboard, diskette and hard drives (3 x 5-1/4" and 2 x 3-1/2").
Rack Mount Kestrel Chassis M/E/F-Series 12-slot
The chassis has a 13-slot 21MX backplane, of which 12 are available to the user; power supply, cooling fans, PC passive backplane and slides plus space for PC single board computer, diskette and hard drives (two visible 3.5" and two hidden 3.5" bays).
Rack Mount Kestrel Chassis M/E/F-Series 37-slot
This chassis has a 38-slot 21MX backplane of which 37 are available to the user. It also includes power supply and cooling fans. A firewire Chassis Interface Card (CIC) must be purchased to provide back-plane signals from the Kestrel to the chassis.