Barron Associates
Barron Associates is a research and development company focused on providing clients with novel solutions to demanding aerospace and health care challenges. These solutions frequently employ intelligent and adaptive technologies to measure, model, predict and control complex systems, resulting in improved performance, safety and efficiency.
- 434.973.1215
- 434.973.4686
- 1410 Sachem Place
Suite 202
Charlottesville, VA 22901
United States
Polynomial Neural Network Modeling
Many scientific, engineering, marketing, and economic phenomena are complex and difficult to model. Often, a large number of conditions that influence the input variables or an incomplete understanding of the underlying principles governing the system exacerbate the problem. The Barron Associates Generalized Networks for the Optimal Synthesis of Information Systems (GNOSIS) software suite provides a versatile and powerful method for modeling a variety of complex phenomena.
Adaptive Diagnostics and Prognostics Toolbox
The ADAPT toolbox provides advanced system health monitoring algorithms in the form of Simulink block components. These components may be used to develop health monitoring applications with the Simulink modeling tool. The applications can be tested and refined within the high-fidelity Simulink modeling environment. After verification, the Real-Time Workshop code generation tool may be used to generate deployable C language code for integration in online real-time health monitoring systems. The ADAPT algorithms provide out-of-the-box diagnostic capabilities that are applicable to a wide range of health monitoring problems.
Adaptive Inverse for Actuator Compensation Toolbox
Actuator nonlinearities such as dead-zone, backlash, and hysteresis are ubiquitous in mechanical connections, hydraulic servo-valves, electric servomotors, piezoelectric, pneumatic and magnetic actuators, and even appear in biomedical systems. The Adaptive Inverse For Actuator Compensation (AIFAC) Toolbox for Simulnk allows control system engineers to design high-performance adaptive controllers to compensate for uncertain or undesirable actuator dynamics that would otherwise adversely affect closed-loop control system performance.
Automated Pit Identification and Measurement Software
Surface pitting processes are ubiquitous in material science and engineering applications. Rigorous analysis of surface pitting features is time-consuming and error-prone whenever manual measurements are employed. Barron Associates’ APIMS software eliminates the need for tedious manual pit measurements. APIMS analyzes digital surface profilometry data and automatically identifies the location and size (width and depth) of surface pits. APIMS provides built-in noise reduction features to enhance performance and reduce both measurement noise and surface tilt.