Simplicity AI Ltd
Simplicity AI provides a range of advanced technical products and engineering services for test, measurement, control and automation, equipping our customers to meet their technical and business objectives.
- +44 (0)845 468 2886
- 44 (0)845 468 2887
- The Hub
Farnborough Business Park
Farnborough Hampshire, GU14 7JP
United Kingdom
NI LabVIEW Development Services
Software development using National Instruments LabVIEW is a core skill of the Simplicity AI which is an NI Alliance Partner and has a technical team with over 60 years of experience in the product. Engineers are accredited with Certified LabVIEW Developer or Certified LabVIEW Architect qualifications, and several are certified by National Instruments to teach LabVIEW training courses.
Product Test & Measurement Development Software tools
Tequra Requirements
Tequra is a suite of software tools for product test and measurement which enables organisations to develop high-quality solutions faster, simplify support and maintenance, and facilitate continuous improvement.
NI TestStand Development Services
Simplicity AI have a high degree of ATE software development expertise using NI TestStand, in industry areas such as aerospace, defense and telecoms. With Certified TestStand Architects and Certified TestStand Developers on the engineering team, and holding National Instruments Alliance Partner status, Simplicity AI have the knowledge and experience to deliver advanced test software solutions.
Test Data Management
Tequra Analytics
Tequra Analytics is a test data management and analysis solution for advanced manufacturing organisations. By using the tools provided by Tequra Analytics an extensive insight into manufacturing can be gained, enabling actions to be taken to improve quality and streamline processes. ATML Results - Industry standard format for automated test. CSV Output - Machine readable, open in spreadsheet software. PDF Reports.