Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Sequoia Scientific, Inc. has been the global leader in technologies for submersible and field measurements of suspended particles, and particle size distributions.
- +1 (855) 753-3313
- 2700 Richards Road
Suite 107
Bellevue, WA 98005
United States
Multi-angle Polarized Light Scattering Measurements
In-situ measurements of P11, P12 and P22 elements of scattering Mueller matrix, (P11 is VSF) from 15-150º.VSF (P11) only at small angles, 0.05 to 10º in 32 logarithmic steps in angles.Only two detectors employed with absolute radiant sensitivity (A/W) calibration.Beam attenuation measured with optics similar to our LISST-100X.Roving Eyeball™ optics permit 1-degree resolution in angles between 15 -150º.Sampling rate at 3 seconds per measurement set (involves 3 turns of Roving Eyeball with unpolarized, vertical, and horizontal polarized laser).Daylight rejection by laser modulation.Dynamic range in VSF measurements extended via laser power modulation.Data from small and large angles in a single data stream, including depth and temperature.
Optical VSF Sensors
The optical Volume Scattering Function(VSF) is an ‘inherent optical property’ of water that is used by optical oceanographers to predict light propagation, image degradation, remote sensed ocean color, biological environment etc. in water.
Acoustic Backscatter Sensor
The LISST-ABS is a fixed-point monitoring sensor. It uses a new and novel technique to internally compensate for geometric beam spreading and attenuation, yielding de-attenuated backscatter signal strength. It is held pointing into flow for low drag.
Submersible Laser-Diffraction based Particle Size Analyzer
The LISST-200X is a submersible laser-diffraction based particle size analyzer designed to measure particle size and concentration in rivers, streams, ports, harbors, coasts and oceans, whether for biological, sediment transport, or environmental monitoring needs. Smaller, lighter, smarter, for starters, the LISST-200X combines the features of the original LISST-100X with new improvements to make a major advance in the technology of submersible particle size and concentrations measurements.
Deep Submersible Particle Size Analyzer
The LISST-DEEP instrument obtains in-situmeasurements of particle size distribution,optical transmission, and the opticalvolume scattering function (VSF). Using ared 670nm diode laser and a customsilicon detector, small-angle scatteringfrom suspended particles is sensed at 32specific log-spaced angle ranges. Thismeasurement is post-processed to obtainsediment size distribution, volumeconcentration, optical transmission, andVSF. The electronics and opticalconfiguration in the LISST-DEEP are verysimilar to Sequoia’s workhorse, the LISST-100X. However, because of the extremedifficulty associated with keepingalignment under high pressure, the LISSTDEEPhardware design is radically differentfrom the LISST-100X. This allows theLISST-DEEP to be deployed down to 3000m and obtain reliable measurements ofthe in situ particle size distribution andvolume concentration in waters withoptical transmission up to 98.5%.
Portable Particle Size Analyzer
Truly portable – completely self-contained with built-in data logger, processor, rechargeable battery, and 7” color touch screen display.Particle Size Range 0.35 to 500 micronsPumped and recirculating mixing chamber that keeps large and heavy particles suspended.Shock mounted optics block that can withstand the rigors of field use.A built-in ultrasonic probe for complete sample dispersion.Touch panel allows for easy SOP programming, sample analysis and display of data without a PC.Multiple Mie models as well as Fraunhofer model available for inversion, selectable from the touch panelAll data-processing is performed on board and stored in ASCII format. No post-processing necessary.Outputs: Total volume concentration, mean size, standard deviation, optical transmission, D5, D10, D16, D25, D50 (median grain size), D60, D75, D84, D90, D95, D60/D10 (Hazen uniformity coefficient), particle surface area, silt fraction, silt volume, size distribution, battery voltage, sample notes.Based on the laser diffraction principle. Compliant with ISO-13320-1 standard.
Radiative Transfer Numerical Model
The HydroLight radiative transfer numerical model computes radiance distributions and related quantities (irradiances, reflectances, diffuse attenuation functions, etc.) in any water body.
Radiative Transfer Equation Solver
EcoLight-S(ubroutine) is an extremely fast RTE (radiative transfer equation) solver developed for use as the optical component of coupled physical-biological-optical ocean ecosystem models, or as the radiative transfer forward-model core of implicit inverse models.
FloControl Instruments
FlowControl-Sub is a microprocessor-controlled fully submersible 3-way valve system for use in flow-through applications on profiling platforms such as for example CTD’s or profiling floats.