Pettersson Elektronik AB
A company specialized in electronic equipment for detection and analysis of bioacoustic ultrasonic signals.
- +46 1830 3880
- Uppsala Science Park
Dag Hammarskjolds v. 34A
UPPSALA, S-751 83
Ultrasound Detector/Recorder
The D500X Mk II is as easy to use and provides the same features as the classic D500X, with the following exceptions:*It does not include an internal microphone. Instead it ships with an external microphone which is either directly connected to the microphone jack or through an extension cable (sold separately). The microphone jack is an XLR type so no adapter cable is required.*It is powered by 4 C type batteries which last roughly three times longer than the AA batteries used in the classic D500X.*The jack for external power is a standard 2.5 mm DC power jack for easy connection.
Ultrasound Detector
Very popular heterodyne and time expansion detector with backlit, large digit, accurate digital display, showing the tuned frequency in the heterodyne mode. The frequency and volume controls are on the side of the case, making it easy to adjust. Using stereo headphones, the heterodyne signal is heard on the left channel and the time expansion signal on the right channel. When the built-in speaker is used, a switch is used to select the heterodyne or time expansion signal.
Analysis of the bat calls may be required in some situations e.g. in order to positively identify a certain species. The software BatSound is an efficient, high-performance tool for various types of sound analysis. It is suitable for sound analysis in general, but also includes a number of features particularly useful to analyze bat calls recorded from a bat detector or recorded directly with a D500X or D1000X ultrasound detector.
USB Microphones
Easily used with a Windows PC/tablet/laptop to record bat calls and other ultrasonic Is esignals with the highest quality.
Ultrasound Detector
A heterodyne detector with backlit, large digit, accurate digital display, showing the tuned frequency in the heterodyne mode. The frequency and volume controls are on the side of the case, making it easy to adjust.
Ultrasound Detectors
A heterodyne detector with backlit, large digit, accurate digital display, showing the tuned frequency in the heterodyne mode.
Ultrasound Microphone
The M500 microphone is easily used with a Windows PC/tablet/laptop to record bat calls and other ultrasonic signals with the highest quality. For recording with the M500, the BatSound Touch or BatSound Touch Lite software is used.