At INO, we specialize in developing solutions designed to make businesses more competitive, no matter what their size or area of activity. From consultation to production, we offer fast lead times and share the risks associated with technology development.
- 1-866-657-7406
418-657-7006 -
- 2740 Einstein Street
Québec, G1P 4S4
Infrared Simulation Services
INO offers a simulation service to assist with the hardware and software design of infrared and electro-optical devices. Precise performance predictions help integrators understand application requirements and bring application performance in line with client specificationsbefore the advance design and fabrication phases. For a minimal investment, infrared simulations help minimize risk in the early stages of development.
Environmental Testing Services
INO offers a range of environmental testing services to help you perform prototype qualification and durability testing in the fieldtwo critical steps in the development of a reliable and profitable product. Our services can be used in a variety of settings, including quality control, land, sea, and air transportation simulations, accelerated aging simulations, resonance frequency searches, specifications and standards compliance testing and product qualification testing for standards such as MIL-STD, FOTP, and ESA.
Uncooled Microbolometer
384 x 288 FPA
Drawing on its extensive experience in microbolometric detector design, fabrication, and characterization, as well as in detector-to-ROIC (Read-Out Integrated Circuit) monolithic integration, INO is proud to offer its 384 x 288 pixel microbolometer FPA (Focal Plane Array) in short series.
Flow Cytometer
Nowadays, quality control is a key part of any industrial process, in line with dynamically changing standards, and creation of new standards and protocols in accordance to each industry. Flow cytometry is a widely used bioanalysis technique in a larger number of applications. Extensively used in fields like microbiology, the technology has also proven benefits in the food and agrifood industry. A potential application is the absolute somatic cells count in the milk. Flow cytometry can also be applied for environmental and sanitary microbiology for applications such as detection of bacterial cells in milk or water for quality control and assurance testing.