Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH
ATT Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH is founded by Markus Eibl. A team of highly skilled and seasoned engineers develops the next-generation products with a deep understanding of our customers technological needs.
- +49 89 89 94 82 - 0
- +49 89 89 94 82 - 28
- Fraunhoferstr. 11
München-Martinsried, 82152
Thermal Chuck Systems
Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH
The perfect system for high power applications with an extraordinary performance at a wide temperature range between - 65C and + 300C.Each system contains a high performant liquid-cooling unit.
Thermal Chuck Systems
Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH
Looking for a chuck system that gives you the possibility to cool down to - 60C and up to + 300C. The C-Series represents a product line of air cooled thermal chuck systems for a wide temperature range
Thermal Chuck Systems
Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH
The A-Series represents a productline of air cooled thermal chuck systems for a temperature range between -30C up to +400C. The basic product offers an active cooled chuck system without an external chiller for a temperature range between +25C up to +200C at a very competitive price to common Hot Chucks.