Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
Our top priority in terms of our product and soluti on portf olio is to guarantee our customers the maximum benefi t with premium quality at all ti mes as well as the best protecti on of investments available. With our core areas of experti se, diagnosti cs, measuring and testi ng, we provide customized soluti ons for automoti ve electronics as well as closely related markets such as mobile working machinery.
- +49 (0)89 456 56-0
- +49-89-45656-499
- Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
Automation And Validation Of ECU Tests
Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
Automotive Electronics - ECU-TEST is the universal test automation ECU-TEST was designed for test automation and for the validation of ECUs. Standard test tools are already integrated and can be used together in tests. ECU-TEST is used to design, realize, run and evaluate tests.
Configurable Simulation Of ECU Diagnostics.
Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
The ECU simulation TestCUBE2 is the counterpart for all cases of application in which an ECU is not yet (e.g. preparation of workshop tests) or no longer (e.g. tester regression test) available. TestCUBE2 is a configurable hardware and software solution for simulating ECU diagnostics with real bus communication. With just one device, you can simulate several ECUs or even an entire vehicle at the same time.