Teledyne LABS
Teledyne LABS is a collection of decades-old Teledyne brands contributing to the research, development and manufacturing of laboratory instruments and technologies used around the globe. You’re sure to recognize some or all of the entities comprising Teledyne LABS. After all, we’re Everywhereyoulook™:
United States
Mercury Analyzers
QuickTrace Series
When the concentration of mercury needs to be measured, laboratories around the world turn to Teledyne LABS’ for high-performance solutions to their mercury analysis challenges. Our versatile analyzers are designed for research and routine use for virtually any aqueous acidified sample in a variety of settings, including environmental laboratories, industry, and research institutes.
GC Sample Prep & Sample Introduction
For Gas Chromatography Preparation & Introduction, Teledyne LABS’ brand offers Purge & Trap instruments to prepare samples for separation. P&T is routinely applied to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) down to sub-ppb levels in soil and water, and as a step in determining outdoor and indoor air quality. The arrival of microprocessor-driven systems allows the concentrator to be more precise and automated, giving the operator more time for other projects. All Teledyne LABS P&T instruments satisfy U.S. Environmental Protection Agency method guidelines.
TOC Combustion Analyzer
The Torch is considered the premium TOC combustion analyzer due to its many useful features and automated analysis processes. For example, it makes serial dilutions of stock standards to form a calibration curve and auto-dilute samples with concentrations above the calibration curve. The Torch software has built-in diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities. For a luxury but affordable TOC combustion analyzer that you can just load and walk away, look no further than the Torch. You won't regret it!
Autosamplers for Chromatography
Maximize the throughput and flexibility of your ACCQPrep system by adding automated sample loading for longer unattended operation.The two rack AS 2x2 and four rack AS 4x2 sampler options allow different chromatographic conditions to be applied to a variety of different samples and doubles or triples the fraction collection capabilities of the base system.The ACCQPrep AutoSamplers provide high recovery of samples with 99.9% transfer of analyte. PeakTrak software allows users to quickly create more -
Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography System
ACCQPrep HP150
Compared to Flash chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) operates under a higher pressure and uses columns of a smaller particle size for higher efficiency and increased resolution for purer results.HPLC is divided into analytical and preparative forms. Prep HPLC uses larger particles, meaning less surface area for the stationary phase, a higher flow rate and, generally, less pressure than analytical HPLC. Flash and prep HPLC are both used to purify large sample more -
Total Organic Carbon
Teledyne LABS’ brand of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyzers provide unparalleled accuracy, precision, throughput and robust construction for water samples varying in quality from semiconductor-grade to municipal wastewater. All our pharmaceutical instruments have available 21 CFR Part 11 software tools for your compliance needs, as well as validation documentation, services and training.
Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) Mercury Analyzer
QuickTrace M‑8000
The QuickTrace® M-8000 Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) mercury analyzer is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. Due to the high sensitivity of the M-8000, it easily achieves the ultra-trace detection limit of <0.05 ng/L total mercury that is demanded by customers following EPA method 1631. The QuickTrace® M-8000 is also versatile enough to analyze samples >400 µg/L without dilution in a research or industrial setting.
Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) Mercury Analyzer
QuickTrace M‑7600
The QuickTrace® M-7600 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) Mercury Analyzer easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of <0.5 ng/L. The QuickTrace® M-7600 is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. The M-7600 is designed for routine and research use in a variety of settings, including environmental laboratories, industry, and research institutes, for virtually any aqueous acidified sample.
Multi-Matrix Purge and Trap
Atomx XYZ
The Atomx XYZ is the second generation combined soil/water autosampler and purge and trap concentrator system in the Tekmar VOC product family. It is the only instrument of its kind to employ a unique automated methanol extraction feature for high level soils in accordance with USEPA Method 5035. Methanol rinsing, dilutions capability and three standard addition vessels all come standard on the Atomx XYZ. While priced competitively, the system offers unique features that cannot be found on any other sample prep system on the market today.
Flash Chromatography System for Operation up to 300 psi (20 bar)
CombiFlash NextGen 300
The CombiFlash® NextGen 300 is configurable to your needs. Like the CombiFlash NextGen 300+, active solvent and waste level sensing, along with column air purge, is standard. The system is designed for liquid injections, operating at up to 300 psi (20 bar). Similarly, RFID rack and column read can be added if desired. You determine what your needs are; don’t invest in unused or unwanted features.
Flash Chromatography Systems
Teledyne LABS’ is a leader in the research, development and manufacturing of flash chromatography. The advantages of automated flash chromatography are many. It’s easy, fast, relatively inexpensive, requires minimal development time, uses less solvent, and offers more exacting results. These advantages make flash one of the most popular techniques for purifying pharmaceutical intermediates, as well as final organic products. It is also widely used in natural products research.
UV/Persulfate Analyzer
Almost 40 years ago, Dohrmann began designing and manufacturing premier Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzers. Since joining the Tekmar family, the tradition of producing innovative laboratory TOC analyzers continues. The Dohrmann Series Fusion Total Organic Carbon Analyzer is no exception. The Fusion TOC Analyzer offers more flexibility, intelligence and user friendliness making this analyzer ideally suited for the most demanding laboratory needs.
Flash Chromatography System for Normal & Reverse Phase Purifications at Flow Rates up to 100 mL/min and Pressures up to 150 psi (10 bar)
CombiFlash NextGen 100
The CombiFlash® NextGen 100 offers flow rates up to 100 mL/min at operating pressures up to 150 psi (10 bar). This is an economical system is designed to perform both normal and reverse phase purifications.
Purge & Trap Concentrator
In 1974, Tekmar revolutionized the way laboratories performed volatile organic compounds testing. Since then, Tekmar has continued to build on the foundation of the initial Purge and Trap technique for volatile organic compounds, one innovative layer at a time. The Lumin builds on seven previous generations, making Tekmar the industry’s cornerstone of the Purge and Trap process and support.
Automated Routine Analysis of Waters by Purge & Trap Concentration
The AQUATek LVA is a full automation solution for routine analysis of waters by purge and trap concentration. It utilizes a fixed volume loop that is filled with liquid sample, internal and/or surrogate standards are added, and then the sample is transferred to the Lumin or Stratum PTC. Upon completion of the purge step by the concentrator, the AQUATek LVA then initiates a clean up cycle where the sample loop and concentrator sparger are cleaned with 90o C water via the two-stage water heater.