Crystal instruments
Crystal Instruments designs, produces, sells, and services hardware and software for machine vibration monitoring, dynamic measurement and environmental testing.
- 408-986-8880
- 408-834-7818
- 2090 Duane Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95054
United States
Correlation Analysis
EDM Modal Correlation Analysis allows the user to correlate two modal models; EMA and/or FEA models. Comparing the experimental data with that acquired through finite element analysis helps in validating the test results. Users can import the geometry model and mode shape data from FEA or EMA software. A modal mapping procedure is executed to match the EMA and FEA models. After this matching procedure, the new mode shape information from FEA is interpolated and the FEA modal parameters are displayed alongside with EMA results. Finally, to observe the correlation between the results from the two methods, a Cross-MAC matrix is calculated and shown.
EDM Post Analyzer Software
The Post Analyzer application is used for the post processing of previously recorded time stream data. Post processing includes data conditioning, Fourier transform operations, and specialized analyses such as order tracking and octave analysis.
Frequency Response Function
FFT Spectral Analysis. Frequency Response Function (FRF) is a commonly used measurement type of the Dynamic Signal Analyzer. FRF is defined as the ratio of response i.e. acceleration, velocity, or displacement with respect to the excitation force which is the reference.
Machine Vibration Monitoring Devices & Systems
*Route Based Vibration Data Collection*Remote Condition Monitoring Software*Vibration Diagnostics System
MESA Vibration Control
MESA tests are specifically required when the unit under test is too heavy or too big and exceeds the capabilities of a single shaker. In a MESA application, multiple shakers provide excitation to the test specimen in a single axis. Different relations like same magnitude and phase for drives, different phase for drives, different magnitude and phase for drives, can be set for this MESA test.
Order Tracking Analysis
Order Tracking is a general term describing a collection of measurement functions used for analyzing the dynamic behavior of rotating or reciprocating machinery for which the rotational speed can change over time. Unlike the power spectrum and other frequency-domain analysis functions where the independent variable is frequency, Order Tracking functions present the data against multiples (Orders) of the variable shaft running speed.
Real Time Digital Filters
Real Time Digital Filters can be used to filter a measured signal in real time. Filter characteristics can be defined by the user to meet the requirements of a specific application. Real-time digital filters are applied in the data conditioning phase. The filters are designed with a graphic design tool and then uploaded to the front-end for real-time calculation. The graphic design tool defines the filter performance vertical axis with a dB scale. The horizontal axis is defined as relative frequency.
Remote Condition Monitoring Software
The specially designed EDM-RCM software simultaneously connects multiple such Spider systems in addition to providing updated results of essential data for all Spider front-ends located throughout the world. The software provides a live view of data from any Spider system as needed and downloads recordings from any or all Spider front-ends for further analysis and inferences.
Shock Response Spectrum Analysis
A Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) is a graphical presentation of a transient acceleration pulse’s potential to damage a structure. It plots the peak acceleration responses of a bank of single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) spring, mass damper systems all experiencing the same base-excitation as if on a rigid massless base. Each SDOF system has a different natural frequency; they all have the same viscous damping factor. A spectrum results from plotting the peak accelerations (vertically) against the natural frequencies (horizontally).
Standard Modal Analysis
EDM Modal Standard Modal Analysis provides the user with a complete arsenal of tools, from FRF data selection and parameter identification to results validation and mode shape animation.
Temperature Measurement System
The Spider-80Ti is a front-end from the Spider-80Xi hardware platform that enables temperature measurement. Spider-80Ti supports temperature measurements from Thermocouples and RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) sensors.
Vibration Visualization
It is difficult to imagine the actual vibration level and distribution from the numerical display or the signals which are basically a mathematical representation of the vibration experienced by the structure under test. Animating the structure’s deformation helps to get a better picture of the intensity of vibration. A contour scale which graphically displays the magnitude of vibration on the structure using a color plot helps in visualizing which areas of the test unit is experiencing maximum and minimum magnitude of the vibrations.
Vibration Visualization
It is difficult to imagine the actual vibration level and distribution from the numerical display or signals, which are basically a mathematical representation of the vibration experienced by the structure under test. Animating the structure’s deformation provides users with a clearer representation of the intensity from vibration. A contour scale which graphically displays the magnitude of vibration on the structure using a color plot aids in visualizing the areas a test unit is the experiencing the maximum and minimum magnitude of the vibrations.
Automated Production Testing
Automated production testing is critical in today’s competitive manufacturing environment. Companies can no longer rely on variable costs, non-uniformity, and potential health hazards that come with a laborer-based manufacturing line. This is no less true for sound and vibration tests, ranging from in-process burn-in tests to product validation and verification tests. The measurement tools and intelligence behind present day manufacturing include data acquisition equipment as well as closed-loop control. And while these systems may not take part in the assembly of any goods, they are just as important to ensure quality control for both components coming into an assembly line and products going out.