AdaCore Technologies, Inc.
Leading provider of commercial software solutions for Ada, a state-of-the-art programming language designed for large, long-lived applications where safety, security, and reliability are critical.
- 1-877-787-4628
212 620 7300 - 212 807 0162
- 150 W. 30th Street
16th floor
New York, NY 10001
United States
Coverage Analysis Tool
GNATcoverage performs coverage analysis on both object code instruction and branch coverage and Ada and C language source code statement, decision and Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC). Unlike most current technologies, the tool works without requiring instrumentation of the executable. Instead, it runs directly on an instrumented version of GNATemulator, a lightweight and efficient emulator tool. GNAT Pro add-on.
Model-Based Code Development and Verification
QGen is a qualifiable and tunable code generation and model verification tool for a safe subset of Simulink and Stateflow models. It reduces the development and verification costs for safety-critical applications through qualifiable code generation, model verification, and tight integration with AdaCore's qualifiable simulation and structural coverage analysis tools.
Stack Analysis Tool
GNATstack is a software analysis tool that enables Ada/C/C++ software development teams to accurately predict the maximum size of the memory stack required to host an embedded software application. GNAT Pro add-on.
Ada Development Environment
GNAT Pro is a robust and flexible Ada development environment. It comprises a full Ada compiler (Ada 83, Ada 95, and Ada 2005 features) based on the GNU GCC technology, an Integrated Development Environment (GNAT Programming Studio), a comprehensive toolsuite including a visual debugger, and a set of libraries and bindings.
Ada Source Code Analyzer
CodePeer is an Ada source code analyzer that detects run-time and logic errors. It assesses potential bugs before program execution, serving as an automated peer reviewer, helping to find errors efficiently and early in the development life-cycle. It can also be used to perform impact analysis when introducing changes to the existing code, as well as helping vulnerability analysis. Using control-flow, data-flow, and other advanced static analysis techniques, CodePeer detects errors that would otherwise only be found through labor-intensive debugging.