McPherson, Inc.
McPherson makes monochromators and spectrometers as well as optical systems for spectroscopy. We design, assemble and test instrumentation for many wavelengths; from soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet, through vacuum ultraviolet and UV-Visible, and up to the long wave infrared. Our systems work in many applications and many science disciplines. We offer imaging spectrometers for high temperature plasma physics, Raman systems for physical-chemistry, HPLC fluorescence detectors for pharma, spectral calibration stations for astrophysics, and several types of spectrophotometers for material characterization. Ours is a product line complete with accessories for those who do it themselves. We offer light sources, detectors, filter wheels, specialty filters, fiber optics, telescopes, and collimators. Most of these are also available for vacuum and ultra high vacuum applications. The most respected research laboratories utilize our systems and publish data obtained with the help of our instruments; instruments that range from miniature spectrometers flown into space or fit into pockets, to versions that weigh 20 tons and span 30 meters. We also develop with and for you! We invite your inquiries for scientific instruments and systems that solve specific analytical challenges.
- 800-255-1055
978-256-4512 - 978-250-8625
- 7A Stuart Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824-4107
United States
Light Sources
The unique dual-output of equivalent beams make it a useful source for many comparative applications in addition to wavelength calibration and so on. The two output beams originate from two views of the single emitting spot where the electron beam from the single hairpin filament collides with the interchangeable anode.
Reflective Condenser
Reflective condensing system and focusing accessory for coupling light sources to monochromators. It uses two mirrors to focus to the entrance slit. The reflective system eliminates chromatic aberration, provides maximum spectral range, and does not require refocusing. Accessories like light choppers and filter wheels can also fit inside next to the slit. Versions with rotatable mirror available for up to four source direction.
Drives & Controllers
Most popular, Works with all McPherson SpectrometersDrive of Choice for high precision wavelength control settingUp to 50,000 steps per revolutionComputer control, RS232 (provided with USB adapter)Maintains all manual monochromator controlAvailable with fit kits to upgrade older instruments
Model 207
The Model 207 offers the user the most throughput and fastest aperture in a long focal length monochromator. This is ideal for photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy applications. It is also available in a vacuum compatible version. Used in air and with a selection of gratings, the spectral range of the 207 extends from 185 nanometersm to 20 microns or more. Under vacuum range is extended down to 105 nm (depends on the grating.) Multiple ports are available for mounting accessories or CCD detectors, etc. McPherson SNAP IN gratings allow the alignment-free use of many different gratings. Easily view a wider spectral range or obtain higher resolution! You can retrofit years later and not have to worry about alignment with the McPherson SNAP IN approach. Our dual grating turret also accepts these easy to exchange gratings.
Solar blind detector for operation in the 1 to 180 nanometer region. It is encased in a vacuum tight housing for vacuum operation. The Model 425 is ideal for measurements in the Extreme and Vacuum UV (EUV and VUV) where the solar blind feature eliminates potential interference from long wavelength ultraviolet and visible light. It may be operated in pulse-counting mode or DC. The CEM is also available with coatings like Cesium Iodide or Magnesium Fluoride to enhance response in different energy regions.
Spectrometers, Vacuum
A compact and versatile vacuum ultraviolet monochromator. A selection of aberration-corrected diffraction gratings is available so you can tailor the instrument to your wavelength of interest and application. Connect this instrument directly to your vacuum plasma physics experiment or build an intense UV tunable source. It is available as a scanning monochromator, as a spectrometer, or as a spectrograph with microchannel plate or direct-detection CCD. The Model 234/302 is popular in systems due to its compact design, high throughput and resolution. It is also available with an additional entrance or exit port.
Deep Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer System
A new ultraviolet spectrophotometer system for optical metrology just arrived at NASA Goddard! The VUVAS-10X spectrophotometer works best in the 90 to 160 nanometer wavelength range, also known as deep or vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region. It uses a windowless hydrogen plasma light source and differential pump section to reach many wavelengths beyond those of conventional deuterium lamps. The source also works with other gases, or gas mixtures, for atomic spectral line emission from about 30 nanometers (double ionized Helium gas) up to the Visible light range. The new spectrophotometer system, McPherson VUVAS-10X, uses a one-meter focal length high-resolution monochromator with the special light source, scintillated detector and Model 121 goniometric sample chamber. The system is ideal for optical transmission, absorbance and specular reflectance at incident angles up to 60 degrees. This McPherson spectrophotometer system will help develop, inspect and qualify optical materials and coatings used for very high altitude and extraterrestrial space flight missions.