Farran Technology Ltd
Farran has been developing innovative millimeter-wave solutions. Our standard and bespoke systems, and subsystems, are used in Test & Measurement, Radar & Imaging, Communications, Research & Development and Aerospace industries internationally. We are privileged to include the world’s leading companies and best-known brands as part of the Farran customer family.
- +353 21 484 9170
- +353 21 484 9192
- sales@farran.com
- Unit 1, Airport East Business Park
Farmers Cross, Cork, Co. T12 X257
Components - Active Multipliers (FDA)
FDA Series
Farran offers a range of broadband varistor multipliers based on planar GaAs Schottky diodes. All devices are fixed-tuned and operate without bias. They offer high efficiency and full waveguide band coverage
Components - Harmonic Mixers (WHMB)
WHMB Series
Farran Technology manufactures a comprehensive range of waveguide harmonic mixers for use with industry standard spectrum analysers and other custom applications. Models WHMB are fully calibrated broadband balanced diode units covering 26.5-110 GHz in standard waveguide bands. We also offer a low cost general purpose model WHMP covering 26.5-170 GHz.
Components - Passive Multipliers (FT)
FT Series
Farran Technology manufactures a series of standard frequency multipliers which are available in fixed or tunable versions. GaAs Schottky barrier varactors are used to achieve the highest efficiency. The multipliers can be used with solid state or vacuum tube sources. A rugged compact mechanical design is used to maximise reliability.
Components - Subharmonic Mixers (SPM)
SPM Series
Farran offers fundamental (RF ≈ LO), sub-harmonic (RF ≈ 2xLO) and harmonic mixers (RF≈NxLO, where N=2, 4, 6 …) for a wide variety of applications from 26.5 GHz to 500 GHz. All mixers use planar Schottky diodes and provide state of the art performance in a small and lightweight package.High-performance sub harmonically pumped mixers are available in frequencies from 50 to 350 GHz and beyond.
Frequency Extension Calibration Kits
Farran’s FEK-xx-0001 calibration kit provides accurate calibration of the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). It is compatible with TRL and SOLT calibration techniques and allows for a full 12-term port calibration.
Frequency Extension Heads for Vector Network Analyzers
These frequency extension modules connect to your existing test ports and leverage the inherent microwave network analyzer’s performance and features to display full port S-parameters: Two measurement architecture available: 1-path/2-port and fully reversing 2 port. Waveguide calibration kits are available as separate accessories.
Radar Front Ends
The transmit signal is derived from an external VCO signal, internally multiplied, which also acts as the LO for the receive mixer. The resulting IF is conditioned for gain and filtering as required. The IF also contains an industry leading IF noise figure, especially in the frequency range below 500MHz. Custom designs available, visit our custom design page for more information.
Radar Front Ends (FMCW)
FMCW Series
Farran’s 77 GHz FMCW Radar front end is based on a GaAs MMIC chipset offering wide bandwidth in a small outline package.The transmit signal is derived from an external VCO signal, internally multiplied, which also acts as the LO for the receive mixer. The resulting IF is conditioned for gain and filtering as required. The IF also contains an industry leading IF noise figure, especially in the frequency range below 500MHz. Custom designs available, visit our custom design page for more information.
Antenna Measurement Frequency Extenders
Farran’s AET and AER frequency extenders are a dedicated Test & Measurement solution for antenna performance verification.
Components - Low Noise Amplifiers (FLNA)
FLNA series
Farran's FLNA series low noise amplifiers are constructed with discrete or MMIC pHEMT devices that operate over the frequency range 18 to 110 GHz. These amplifiers are specifically designed for low noise applications.The amplifiers are offered in two categories: standard and custom-built. The custom-built amplifiers are offered in various RF interfaces, including standard waveguide or coaxial connectors, for convenient system integration.
Passive Imaging & Radiometers
A low attenuation atmospheric window from 80-110 GHz (W Band) makes this band an ideal candidate for PMMW systems. Passive imagers operate by detecting naturally emitted thermal (black body) radiation from an object. Products available up to 345 GHz.
Spectrum and Signal Analyzer Frequency Extension Systems
The SAE modules are designed to interface with your existing microwave signal or spectrum analyzer and extend its frequency coverage to 500 GHz.
Noise Sources
The system allows the user to extend the frequency range of the NFA to allow for accurate noise figure measurements to be performed on a device operating in the 26.5 – 170GHz range on wafer as well as in benchtop applications. Farran offers the WGNS series of noise sources to be used in conjunction with the FBC down converters for use as frequency extenders for noise figure measurement test system.
Signal Generator Frequency Extenders
These frequency extension modules easily connect to the output of your signal generator so you have high-performance source for your DUT characterization activities. Characterize your DUT with the confidence that the superior performance in terms of output power, spurious and harmonic will provide product accurate results.
Frequency Block Converter
The FBC-XX-FB is a full band system can be built upon a Keysight N8975A Noise Figure Analyzer (NFA) or X Series Signal Analyzer with option N9069A. This system allows the user to extend the frequency range of the NFA to allow for accurate noise figure measurements to be performed on a device covering Ka, U, V, E, W bands (26.5-170 GHz), when used with an Agilent E8247C signal generator (or equivalent).