Link Instruments
Link Instruments sells and manufactures Parallel port and USB Digital Oscilloscopes and Logic Analyzers for Windows PC's and Laptops.
- 973-808-8990
- 973-306-3000
- 17A Daniel Rd. East
Fairfield, NJ 07004
United States
High Voltage Differential Probe
Permits conventional grounded oscilloscopes to be used for the display and measurement of multiple floating signals with high common mode voltages
High Voltage Isolator for Logic Analyzers
The LX-08 series of high voltage logic analyzer adapters provides a safe isolated method of measuring high voltage control signals with a low voltage logic analyzer. All inbound signals are optically isolated and attenuated to a safe level for the delicate inputs typically found on logic analyzers. The inputs on the LX-08 are capable of withstanding voltages up to +/- 300V AC/DC, higher voltage configurations are available upon request. Rather than probing with multiple neon screwdrivers, the LX-08 can provide simultaneous viewing of up to 8 circuits in the STANDALONE mode via the indicator array. Need to catch a transient event or map out a timing sequence? Just add a logic analyzer to the outputs of the LX-08 and turn it into a high voltage logic analyzer. High voltage signals that were hazardous for a logic analyzer can now be measured safely. Typical outputs of a high speed PLC sequencer can be precisely timed and measured from both sides of the control relay. With the built in user selectable AC filter circuit, an AC signal can be measured as DC events or AC cycles.
Logic Analyzers
The PC-based Logic Analyzers are controlled with easy-to-use Windows software. This allows for more organized data display (with color-coded data and increased screen size), intuitive user interface, and data management (file saving, loading, sharing and exporting to other software and reports). This provides the familiar Timing and Statelist displays. However, they are much larger than those found on a standalone Logic Analyzer. Many also have Pattern Generators (digital word generators) that can output digital data.
Pattern Generators
A Pattern Generator outputs digital data and is used to stimulate circuits. The data can be from user files, previously captured data or from the data creation wizard (editor) in the software. All of our Pattern Generators (digital word generators) are also Logic Analyzers and are controlled with easy-to-use Windows software. Some or all of the outputs are bi-directional and can be used to capture data.
Active Differential Probe
The DF-600 Differential Active Probe is a high input impedance and low input capacitance probe. It also supports extremely high frequency bandwidth, and high voltage input. It is designed using three OP amps, namely two FET buffer OP amps and a low offset OP amp. Therefore, even with long-term operations, the measured voltage will not drift. The voltage offset always approach 0 volts. (USB power supply should be 5V ±2%). The following diagram shows the circuit of DF-600.
Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) is a combination Logic Analyzer and Oscilloscope. Since all inputs sample simultaneously, it is easy to see the timing relationships of the digital and analog components of your circuit. The extra channels also allow for more complex triggering. All of our MSOs have Oscilloscope triggering, Logic Analyzer triggering, SPI triggering and I2C triggering.