The HORIBA Group of worldwide companies provides an extensive array of instruments and systems for applications ranging from automotive R&D, process and environmental monitoring, in-vitro medical diagnostics, semiconductor manufacturing and metrology, to a broad range of scientific R&D and QC measurements.
- +81 75 313 8123
- +81 75 321 0752
- info@horiba.co.jp
- 2, Miyanohigashi,
Minami-Ku, Kyoto 601-8510
Global Hematology Solution
HELO Solution
An innovative design solution covering all the needs of a high throughput automated hematology platform.Flexible and efficient, HELO* is the optimum answer to the constant evolution of your laboratory.The HORIBA advanced technologies embedded in the Yumizen H2500/H1500 associated with over 30 years experience in Hematology diagnosis offer the highest analytical performances.Thanks to its data, tube managment, waste, blood film and digitalization management capability, HELO not only addresses your needs, but helps you to optimize your TAT, your floor space and your reagent storage.HELO comes along with our accreditation assistance program which has been developed in accordance with ISO-15189 certification.
Water Treatment Plant Analyzer
Aqualog® is the only instrument to simultaneously measure both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices. EEMs are acquired up to a 100 times faster than with other instruments. Dedicated software automates traceable Quinine Sulfate Unit calibration and correction of inner-filter effects and Rayleigh and Raman scattering lines, enabling rapid export to modeling algorithms like PARAFAC.
Environmental Water Research Optical Spectrometer for Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)
Not just a scanning fluorometer for EEMs, but a much faster and better A-TEEM spectrometer for colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM)The HORIBA Aqualog is a unique optical spectrometer that is the gold standard in environmental water research around the world for the study of color dissolved organic matter (CDOM).
Continuous Emission Monitoring System
CEMS, the “Environmental Eye” for Source Emissions.A Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) is an integrated system to measure fuel flow, dust, and concentrations of air pollutants such as SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, THC and O2 in accordance with the applicable regulations for the emission source.
Automatic COD Monitor
High-performance Automatic CODMN Monitor Can Achieve Regulation and Compliance with Advanced Technology and More Than 30 Years of Accumulated Expertise
OEM Gas (NO) Analyzer
The BE-220FDS is an OEM NDIR detector for measuring NO in automotive emission gases. The BE-220FSD can output NO concentration by digital data and analog voltage. In addition, it can be connected with the HORIBA BE-150 bench by serial line and relay the commands for BE-150. The BE-220FSD meets OIML Class 0 and complies BAR-97 & GB18285-2018 specifications.
25-ton 922.7 Metric Ton) Air-Actuated Laboratory Pellet Press
Bench Press 3628
25-ton (22.7 metric ton) air-actuated laboratory pellet press that accepts 13 mm, 31 mm, 35 mm, and 40 mm pellet die sets. Manually controlled. Ideal for repetitive pressing of sample pellets for XRF, IR, and other analytical techniques. CE Approved.
OEM Gas (CO/HC) Analyzer
The BE-150 is the palm-top sized OEM NDIR analyzer capable of measuring CO, CO2 and HC in automotive exhaust gases. High accuracy and reliability, the BE-150 meets OIML Class 0 and complies BAR-97 & GB18285-2018 specifications.
Imaging Multichannel Spectrometer
CC-55 Imaging Multichannel Spectrometer - Simultaneous acquisition 10-26 Fiber Inputs (with diameters in the range of 100-400 mic) Interline CCD, may allow a shutter-free set-up (Call us) Line imaging on tall Sony ICX285AL CCD.
Blazed Holographic Plane Gratings
HORIBA Scientific produces a wide range of holographic master gratings from which high precision replicas are manufactured.A blazed holographic plane grating is the choice for high resolution spectroscopy and applications where high efficiency, low stray light levels are of high importance.
Cathodoluminescence Solutions for Electron Microscopy
CLUE Series
HORIBA Scientific's Cathodoluminescence Universal Extension enhances any SEM’s analytical capabilities while maintaining its original functionality. Since the sample is able to remain in the same spot, CLUE can easily be combined with other microscopy applications, such as EDS and EBIC.
Sampling System
The sampling unit is responsible for suction air from ambient and to distribute this air without any changing to the gas-monitors. The HORIBA sampling unit is designed according ÖNORM-M5852 Type A. So an air flow monitor will give alarm information when the flow is to low.
High Speed & Precision Pressure Insensitive Mass Flow Module
Critical semiconductor manufacturing processes continuously desire precision gas flow control devices that enable both future innovation, and lab to fab transition of leading edge memory and logic device. HORIBA's propose the new pressure based MFC D700MG, the upper compatible model of the D500MG to support customer’s challenges.
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
The CombiScope Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is an advanced research instrument that provides the entry path for researchers in biology, spectroscopy and photonics. If you work with transparent samples either in air or in liquid towards nano-scale structures and (near-field) nano-optical properties investigation, the CombiScope is the right solution for you. It perfectly combines inverted optical and atomic force microscopies and unleash all the power of both techniques providing the instrument adjustment and measurement automation, high resolution and high speed. Plus it can be easily upgraded to our Raman spectrometers.
Thermo-Electrically Cooled Dual Mode Analog/Photon Counting Photmultiplier Tube (PMT)
For spectroscopy and microscopy experiments in the UV/Vis/NIR region of the spectrum, a photomultiplier tube (PMT) is the ideal detector for quantitative low light level measurements. A PMT is extremely sensitive, with very wide dynamic range so it can also measure high levels of light. PMT’s are also very fast so rapid changes in optical signals can be reliably monitored. As a practical matter, PMT’s are durable, long-lived, and economical.