Gamma Scientific Inc.
Gamma Scientific was their vision to furnish customers with instruments dedicated to accuracy, versatility and ease of operation in the area of light measurement.
- (858) 279-8034
- (858) 576-9286
- 9925 Carroll Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92131
United States
Integrating Sphere Solutions
An integrating sphere is a light collector which takes advantage of physical geometry to homogenize any radiation being emitted inside by relying on a high-reflectance coating material. Depending on the wavelength range the end user using a sphere with, different coatings have different advantages based on the application.
Light Measurement Sensors
Gamma Scientific offers a catalog of professional light intensity measurement devices for photometric and radiometric applications. These devices are typically utilized by laboratories, OEM’s, value-added resellers and other groups seeking to accurately measure light intensity and brightness. Browse our light intensity measurement device catalogs to find the right photometry or radiometry solution today.
SpectralLED® Tunable Light Sources
The award-winning SpectralLED® family of uniform intensity tunable light sources are designed to deliver unmatched resolution and accuracy. These adjustable wavelength LED light sources also have an operating lifetime and cost of ownership that cannot be duplicated with traditional light sources such as Tungsten-Halogen and Xenon lamps. With a fully spectrally tunable output, all you need is one SpectralLED to generate any arbitrary spectral power distribution, whether it be blackbody, daylight, fluorescent, LED, or something completely unique. By sweeping through individual LED channels, the SpectralLED can even emulate a traditional monochromator light source, with no moving parts and no halogen input illumination.
Test & Calibration
Gamma Scientific is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by NVLAP (NVLAP lab code 200823-0). In addition to assurance of measurement accuracy, accreditation ensures traceability to known standards, provides international acceptance of measured values, and is important for compliance purposes for your own ISO/IEC certifications. Our state-of-the-art, ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratories in San Diego, California offer a range of test and calibration services including:
Transimpediance Amplifiers
The UDT TRAMP products are transimpedance amplifier (current-to-voltage) instruments that provide a low input impedance to accurately measure the short circuit current of phototransducers such as silicon and germanium photodetectors, vacuum photodiodes and photomultiplier tubes. The range includes the economically priced TRAMP, and for ultra precision and accuracy, the TIA-3000.
Optical Meters
The Gamma Scientific range of light meters includes handheld and benchtop models. Configuration options include a wide range of sensors and calibrations in units including: Luminous Flux (lumens) or Radiant Flux (Watts), Illuminance (lux, foot-candle) or Irradiance (W/cm2 ), Luminous Intensity (candela) or Radiant Intensity (W/sr), Luminance (cd/m2 , foot-Lambert) or Radiance (W/m2 sr), or Pulse Energy (Joules). Cooled sensors and reference standard detectors are also available.
Lamp-Based Calibration Light Sources
Lamp-based calibration light sources from Gamma Scientific are used for optical calibration of light measurement instruments including spectroradiometers, photometers and radiometers. All of our calibration light sources meet rigid quality standards for use in the most challenging testing environments. A wide range of light sources is available to serve as precision standards of radiant flux and white-light standards of spectral irradiance or luminance.
NED-LMD Near-Eye Display Measurement Systems
NED-LMD E-Series
The world’s most comprehensive test systems to completely characterize augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, and heads-up displays (AR, VR, MR and HUDs) by truly emulating the human eye and conforming to the latest standards being developed by the IEC and SID.
Total Flux Measurement Systems
LED’s and Luminaires must be characterized and tested for brightness and color, for production quality control and also for R&D. The Gamma Scientific Total Flux Measurement System combines our accurate Radoma Spectrometer and an integrating sphere for total flux (total power) and color measurements of LED, micro LED and Luminaires. Measurement parameters include spectrum, lumens, total power, peak and dominant wavelength, CRI, CCT, FWHM and other optical properties.
NED-LMD Near-Eye Display Measurement Systems
NED-LMD W-Series
The world’s first wide field of view near-eye display light measurement device coupled with an integrated precision spectroradiometer that ensures single snapshot, high speed, high spectral accuracy characterization of AR, VR, MR and Heads-Up Displays. The benchtop instrument features a large 158deg field of view, motorized focus lens and a small 5mm entrance pupil to emulate the human eye. Its robust design and easy-to-use software with automated Device-Under-Test (DUT) Pass/Fail analysis allow it to be easily integrated on production lines.
NED-LMD Near-Eye Display Measurement Systems
Gamma Scientific is introducing the NED-LMD Waveguide Tester as the world’s first specialized near-eye display measurement system that mimics human visual perception for fast, accurate and repeatable characterization of next generation optical waveguide-based Augmented/Mixed Reality displays and display components (light engine, waveguide, etc.). This comprehensive offering features a ‘robotic eye’ to help device manufacturers predict how the human eye would perceive their AR/MR displays, quantifying end user experience mapping the entire display field of view.
Display Test & Characterization Solutions
The Gamma Scientific line of display measurement solutions leverages the company’s renowned competencies in developing high-sensitivity spectroradiometer-based equipment. Our range of NIST traceable solutions include handheld and portable instruments, laboratory equipment, and fully automated production inspection systems. With over 50 years of experience in the industry, you won’t find another company with the level of combined knowledge and expertise as the team at Gamma Scientific.
LED, Micro LED And VCSEL Measurement Systems
With a track record spanning decades, Gamma Scientific is a leading provider of custom, high-precision light measurement solutions for LED, micro LED, and luminaires in both the laboratory and production environment. The combination of our extensive competencies and commercial expertise has led to the development of a range of modular test solutions that can be readily integrated within the various phases of light source development and manufacturing. Each of these test modules includes measurement instrumentation, a system controller, all peripheral components, and top-level software interfaces.
Goniometer Systems
Our Goniometetric measurement systems are optimized to provide precise measurement of angle dependent spatial radiation properties of LED luminaires, lamps and other light-producing modules. Using a variety of photometric and spectroradiometric detector options, our goniometer systems achieve optical properties as a function of angle with accuracy, precision and speed.
Handheld Portable Spectrometers
The UPRtek line of precision portable spectrometers are reliable, lightweight and easy-to-use. These spectral illuminance (LUX) meters or spectral light meters from Gamma Scientific are designed for fast and accurate light measurement. This product collection includes ultra-compact, basic and advanced models. With both battery-operated and line-power modes, these portable spectrometers are particularly well suited for field and laboratory use.