Safran Federal Systems
Company descriptionSafran Federal Systems provides resilient positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) solutions and custom engineering services to U.S. Government agencies, U.S. defense organizations, and their contractors. Safran is approved to work on the full spectrum of U.S. Government classified and unclassified projects and is positioned to support strategic partnerships in the development of key PNT technologies for the defense market. Safran helps customers succeed by designing the highest quality products at the best value, leveraging subject matter experts to provide unparalleled solutions, reducing cost, risk and schedule.
- 320 N Goodman St
Suite 101
Rochester, NY 14607
United States
Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
Resilient PNT is the convergence of positioning, navigation and timing technology with non-traditional and emerging technology to improve the reliability, performance and safety of mission-critical applications in the air, on land, in the sea, and in space. Resilient PNT solutions are used where even the smallest discrepancy in data accuracy, availability and stability can result in a mission failure, loss of life, battlefield disadvantages, and significant economic loss.From essential timing & synchronization, to all-in-one PNT. Modular solutions based on open standards; Products made to be secure and rugged. Providing resiliency, high performance, and continuous operation in the field. M-Code available and shipping today.
GB-GRAM/GB-GRAM-M Interface Card
Valiant 153M
Valiant 153M is a GB-GRAM/GB-GRAM-M (GB-GRAM/M) interface card that allows the simultaneous operation and testing of a commercial- off-the-shelf (COTS) receiver and a GB-GRAM/M. Both receivers are powered and communicate using a single USB mini cable. By integrating a COTS receiver onto the Valiant 153M, users can perform cross-checks to determine if the military receiver is connected and communicating data properly. Both receivers communicate via the onboard USB mini or RS-232 serial connectors. The Valiant test fixture was designed to be nearly the same size as the GB-GRAM/M type I card.
M-Code Mission Timing and Synchronization
The latest generation of modernized security architecture, modernized anti-spoofing and anti-jamming for GPS-degraded environments, operations in mixed P(Y)-code and M-Code constellations, accelerated Direct-Y and Direct-M code acquisitions, and Over-The-Air-Rekeying (OTAR). SecureSync M-code provides better than 41 dB J/S while tracking and better than 54 dB J/S while providing cryptographic key retention without battery backup.
Rugged GPS Time & Frequency Reference
VersaSync is a high-performance GPS master clock and network time server that delivers accurate, software-configurable time and frequency signals in harsh environments, including GPS-denied areas. Now with M-Code!
CPNT fuses GNSS, inertial measurement, and high-performance timing oscillators with GNSS jamming and spoofing detection and CRPA/AJAS antenna compatibility in a flexible, configurable device to provide PNT assurance in threat-filled environments.
All-in-one Positioning, Navigation and Timing Device
VersaPNT is the first all-in-one Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solution that delivers accurate, software-configurable position, navigation, altitude, time, and frequency signals under any circumstances. Now with M-Code!
Time Code Processors
Safran Federal Systems' TSync time code processors are complete, synchronized timecode reader/generator boards and peripheral slot cards, offering flexibility and easy integration for mission-critical embedded applications.
GPS Jamming & Spoofing Detection
Patented GPS jamming and spoofing sensor technology, available in multiple configurations to fit your application. Tested and proven for more than a decade, our unique algorithms detect live threats and take action in seconds, while outputting data for post event analysis.
GNSS Testing & Simulation
Safran Federal Systems is a leading provider of advanced GNSS Testing & Simulation systems and tools for NAVWAR environments.
Second-Generation Personal Locator Beacon
Personnel Recovery Device
Safran Federal Systems’ Personnel Recovery Device is the world’s first personal locator beacon built specifically for the US Army that utilizes the Second Generation Cospas-Sarsat signaling technology for the most demanding search and rescue environments. It’s a robust, ruggedized, dual mode, user-friendly beacon that has introduced many new innovations in this version of the modern beacon.
Custom Solutions
We work with you to accommodate your mission requirements. Our open architecture approach allows for so many possibilities, no idea is out of the question.
Visual Analysis Tool for GNSS Receiver Data
Panorama is the flagship tool when it comes to analyzing receiver data. When engineers use Panorama they spend more time looking at plots and making decisions, instead of making plots and writing reports. Panorama takes receiver data (.csv files) from PANACEA and RxStudio (other ODS products) and turns it into over 60 engineering plots ready to view at the click of your mouse. These plots give engineers and analysts the ability to view summary level data, head to head comparisons, receiver specific results, and 3D LLA replays using STK.
Chamber Simulator System
BroadSim Anechoic
Built on our proven BroadSim platform, BroadSim Anechoic allows users to accurately simulate real-world GNSS environments in their Anechoic Chambers. BroadSim Anechoic has 32 individual RF outputs enabling the system to drive 16 dual-frequency antennas. Revolutionary features like automatic antenna mapping, automatic time delay calibration, and automatic power loss calibration are what make BroadSim Anechoic the most advanced Anechoic Chamber simulator on the market today.
GNSS Simulation Engine
Test a wide range of applications with advanced GNSS Simulators and helpful tools that generate basic scenarios all the way to complex threat environments, leveraging the power and scalability of the Skydel Simulation Engine. Skydel powers each of Safran Federal Systems' advanced software-defined simulators including BroadSim, BroadSim Anechoic and BroadSim Wavefront.
Software Tool for Data Collection from Multiple Receivers
PANACEA Field Test
PANACEA Field Test (PANACEA FT) is a software tool designed to allow for easy data collection from multiple receivers in a real-world environment where the GNSS receivers are connected to an antenna. All the data is logged, time-stamped, and automatically compared to the configured truth source.