Acculogic, Inc.
Designs, manufactures, and markets a broad range of systems and instruments for testing electronic devices, circuit boards and systems.
- 1 (888) PCB-TEST
905 475 5907 - 175 Riviera Drive
Markham, Ontario L3R 5J6
Device Programmers
Acculogic offers the Algocraft family of universal In-System Programmers based on the proprietary WriteNow! Technology. The WriteNow! Series of In-System Programmers is a breakthrough in the programming industry. The programmers support a large number of devices (microcontrollers, memories, CPLDs and other programmable devices) from various manufacturers and have a compact size for easy ATE/fixture integration. They work in standalone or connected to a host PC (RS-232, LAN and USB connections are built-in), and are provided with easy-to-use software utilities.
In-Circuit Test Fixture Design Services
An integral part of board test is the test fixture. Innovations in board technology may manifest themselves as challenges in test fixture design. Utilizing a creative & systematic design philosophy, Acculogic consistently delivers state of the art solutions for the most complex test interface problems.
Automated Test and Programming Station
The Scorpion BRiZ
The primary goal of an electronic test strategy is to achieve the highest possible test coverage. Often, a combination of test tools and techniques needs to be integrated in order to meet this challenge. A decisive factor in selecting the optimal test strategy is cost. So, choosing a test platform that results in the highest test coverage for your investment is essential.But, what if in addition to test, you require in-system or on-board programming? What would be the best way to handle this while staying within budget and meeting production timelines?
Boundary Scan Products
Acculogic offers a powerful suite of PC-based hardware and software tools specially designed for testing of electronic devices, boards and systems using the IEEE1149.1 and IEEE1149.6 standards. Acculogic’s comprehensive line of Boundary Scan Test tools can be effectively used in the entire product life cycle, starting with design verification and validation and continuing into pilot production and manufacturing. Use of these tools in field service and repair depots can help further to reduce test cost and cycle time.
Functional Test Systems
Acculogic offers commercial functional test systems for a broad range of manufacturing test applications, including automotive and military-aerospace.Designed for production testing, our solutions are optimized for throughput, reliability, repeatability, and cost
In-Fixture Electronics
The Relay Expander Module (REM-08) is a powerful, and versatile control module with a wide range of applications. It is designed for use in various capacities for the testing and control of electronic circuitry. The power of the REM-08 is inherent in its ease of use and the great flexibility provided over control and configuration of its general purpose relays.
In-Circuit Testers
Whether you’re choosing from our stand-alone manually loaded ICT tester all the way to our fully automatic In-line test system, Acculogic has the solution for you!Acculogic’s Scorpion family of automated test equipment and in-circuit fixture-based testers were created with one underlining theme in mind: “Cost-effective Testing”.
Test Services For Circuit Board
Acculogic Contract Testing Services group with multiple locations in United States, Canada, Germany and China provides Cost Effective, On-Demand (Quick-Turn) testing service. Our circuit board assembly test services include defect analysis, In-Circuit, Boundary Scan JTAG and Functional testing on industries most widely used test platforms.
Flying Probe Testers
Flying probe test systems require no test fixturing, have few restrictions on board access, and can test boards with virtually unlimited number of nets. These systems also allow developers to complete test programs in a short time.
Functional Test Systems
With extensive experience in functional test equipment, a world-wide service and support organization, and a broad range of software/hardware options, we will supply cost-effective production-ready test solutions to meet your test challenges. Proposals developed by our functional test engineering team include a detailed description of system requirements, test instrumentation, estimated test cycle times (as applicable), footprint, and other key specifications.
In-Circuit Test Programming Services
Acculogic offers in-circuit / ATE test programming services for the most widely used Automated Test Equipment / platforms, in our state of the art test development laboratories. Staffed by a highly skilled team of engineers with an impressive track record in providing test solutions to customers in a variety of industries.