Trilithic Inc.
Trilithic, Inc. is an industry leader providing telecommunications solutions for major Broadband and RF/Microwave markets around the world.
- 800 344 2412
317 895 3600 - 317 895 3613
- 9710 Park Davis Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46235
United States
Remote Headend Analyzer
860 DSPh
The answer to managing the performance of remote Headends, the 860 DSPh cable analyzer continually monitors forward channel performance, generates SNMP traps if a test is out of limits, provides live view of problems via Internet. The 860 DSPh is simple to install and use and is very cost -effective.
Reverse Test Probe
The I-Stop Reverse Test Probe is a test accessory designed for use with most signal level meters and with the Trilithic 9580 Return Maintenance System. Screw the probe into a distribution tap's unused KS port and a spring-loaded "stinger" connects a 20 dB resistive test point circuit to the hardline.
Advanced Communication Test System
As the name suggests this new server performs a variety of tests related to cable system advanced communication services, including VoIP and high speed data. The server enables a VoIP RTP test from any field test point with or without Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS), as well as high speed throughput (UDP up to 40 Mbps max). The VoIP test enables efficient service pre-installation verification with a simple, yet comprehensive set of measurement data including upstream and downstream latency, jitter, packet loss and MOS.
Return Path Analyzer
9581 SST
The centerpiece of the Guardian Return Path Maintenance System, the Guardian SST performs the dual functions of supporting Trilithic field units and supplying monitoring data to local and remote controllers. The only DSP-based return path analyzer in the Industry, the Guardian SST is as cost-effective as it is fast and versatile.
Home Certification Meter
360 DSP
The 360 DSP is a next generation fulfillment meter specifically tailored for installation and troubleshooting. The 360 DSP is part of a system consisting of the meter, ViewPoint software, and means for acquiring information from the Cable System's Workforce Management application.Upstream Return Spectrum Analysis (4 to 110 MHz). Level Mode. C/N Measurement. QAM mode (MER/BER/Constellation).
Reverse Path Tester
The Trilithic Guardian RSVP2 Reverse Path Tester ensures return quality where it is most critical ? the subscriber installation. Most return path problems begin in the subscriber?s home. Errors in installation, defective cabling, or incorrectly installed or loose hardware can all disrupt return path communications or allow ingress to enter the cable system.
Signal Level Meter
180 DSP
The 180 DSP is a basic installer meter specifically tailored for installation and troubleshooting. Featuring fast measurements and powerful troubleshooting tools the 180 DSP comes equipped with all the tests an installer needs to measure both Analog and Digital signals and ensure the highest quality installation.