Servomex Group Ltd
Is the expert in gas analysis: The leading provider of reliable, accurate and stable gas measurement solutions to industries worldwide.
- +44 01892 652 181
- +44 01892 662 253
- Jarvis Brook
Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 3FB
United Kingdom
High Purity Gas Measurements
DF High Purity
When your processes need high purity gas measurements for oxygen and moisture, DF analyzers deliver industry-leading performance that reaches down to the very lowest ultra-trace levels. Utilizing the exceptional sensing capabilities of Servomex’s coulometric and TDL sensing technologies for the measurement of oxygen and moisture respectively, DF analyzers are optimized for a sensitive and stable analysis at ppm, ppb and ppt levels.
Portable Gas Analyzers
Offering the precision sensing technology of Servomex fixed analyzers in a compact, easy to use package, SERVOFLEX analyzers deliver high performance portable gas analysis for safe or hazardous area use. Utilizing Servomex’s nondepleting Paramagnetic and Infra-Red sensor technology, SERVOFLEX analyzers deliver stable and reliable measurements for oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Process & Combustion Gas Analyzers
Optimized for hazardous area use, and utilizing both extractive and in situ analysis techniques, common gas measurements receive higher level analysis for light hydrocarbons and combustibles; this makes SERVOTOUGH analyzers ideal for extensive use within most hydrocarbon processing and power generation applications.
TDL Gas Analyzers
SERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus range - the world’s smallest cross-stack Tunable Diode Laser (TDL) gas analysers, which can be optimised for combustion, ammonia slip and process control applications in the hydrocarbon processing sector.