Metal Samples Company
Metal Samples specializes in manufacturing products for corrosion monitoring and materials evaluation.
- (256) 358-4202
- (256) 358-4515
- P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268
United States
Hydrogen Penetration Monitoring System
The Hydrogen Penetration Monitoring System™ provides a method for directly measuring the rate of hydrogen migration through a vessel or pipe wall. This method actually measures the penetration current set up by the hydrogen as it moves through the steel. By sensing and recording this data directly from the pipe wall, this system offers valuable data which can only be indirectly inferred by other methods.
Handheld LPR Corrosion Data Logger
The MS1500L is a hand-held, battery-powered, intrinsically safe corrosion meter capable of measuring and storing data from all types of 2- or 3-electrode linear polarization resistance (LPR) corrosion probes. The instrument is light weight, microprocessor-based, and features a simple, menu-driven interface using a 12-key keypad and a 4-line LCD display.
Electrical Resistance Probes
Electrical resistance (ER) corrosion probes are commonly used in petroleum, chemical processing, and other environments where on-line corrosion rate readings are required. Whereas test coupons must be removed from the process for evaluation, corrosion probes can allow corrosion rate determination without probe removal.
Corrosion Inhibitor Evaluation
Metals Samples provides solutions to study the performance of corrosion inhibitors in the laboratory. The Rotating Cage is helpful in selecting corrosion inhibitors for use in oil and gas production pipelines and facilities, transmission pipelines, as well as in oil refineries. It simulates aggressive field flow conditions that cause localized pitting corrosion in a simple laboratory setup. The precision, i.e., repeatability and reproducibility, of the rotating cage has been established (ASTM G202).
High-Resolution ER Data Logger
The MS4500E is a hand-held, battery-powered, corrosion meter capable of measuring and storing data from all types of electrical resistance (ER) corrosion probes. The instrument is light weight, microprocessor-based, and features a simple, menu-driven interface using a keypad and a backlit graphical LCD display.
ER Corrosion Meter
The MS0500 is a battery-powered, portable corrosion meter capable of measuring all types of electrical resistance (ER) corrosion probes. Combining light weight with ease of operation, the MS0500 is a simple and effective tool for gathering corrosion data from one or many probe locations.
Electrical Resistance (ER) Monitoring
The electrical resistance (ER) technique is an "on-line" method of monitoring the rate of corrosion and the extent of total metal loss for any metallic equipment or structure. The ER technique measures the effects of both the electrochemical and the mechanical components of corrosion such as erosion or cavitation. It is the only on-line, instrumented technique applicable to virtually all types of corrosive environments.
Field-Mounted High-Resolution ER Data Logger
The MS3600E is a battery-powered, intrinsically safe, field-mounted data logger capable of automatically measuring and storing data from all types of electrical resistance (ER) corrosion probes. The instrument is microprocessor-based and features an intuitive menu-driven interface. Additionally, the MS3600E is designed to mount directly to the ER probe which simplifies installation.
Continuous LPR Corrosion Meter
The MS2001L is a microprocessor-based, field-mountable corrosion rate meter. This versatile instrument measures the instantaneous corrosion rate and electrochemical current between the electrodes of any standard 2-electrode linear polarization resistance (LPR) probe. Corrosion rate is displayed on the LCD display.
Remote Corrosion Monitoring
Telemetry System
Metal Samples’ remote telemetry system obtains real-time corrosion monitoring data via the Internet from anywhere in the world. The system features communications via satellite to a secure Web Monitor data server. With this powerful web-based back end, you can bring the data to your desk no matter where the site is located.
Bench-Top LPR Data Logger
The MS6200L is a bench-top data logger capable of measuring and storing data from all types of linear polarization resistance (LPR) corrosion probes. The instrument is microprocessor-based and features a simple, menu-driven interface using a 2-key keypad and a 2-line LCD display. It is housed in a rugged but lightweight plastic enclosure and is ideally suited for use in laboratory environments. The adjustable handle can be used for carrying the unit, or can be used as a tilt stand to adjust the viewing angle.
Linear Polarization Resistance Probes
Linear polarization resistance (rosion probes are commonly used in the water treating industry and other environments where instantaneous, on-line corrosion rate readings are required. Linear polarization probes are ideally suited to monitor fluctuations that may occur within a system; for example, these probes can be used to monitor corrosion inhibitor effects on a regular basis.
Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) Monitoring
The electrochemical technique, commonly referred to as Linear Polarization Resistance, is the only corrosion monitoring method that allows corrosion rates to be measured directly, in real time. Although limited to electrolytically conducting liquids, the response time and data quality of this technique make it clearly superior, where applicable, to all other forms of corrosion monitoring.