Gardien S.C.A.
Gardien is the world’s largest provider of independent testing and quality assurance solutions to the PCB industry. Our global footprint is what makes us truly unique. We operate on an international basis, but with a local presence through our network of 23 service centers and we cater to a whole range of customers, from small family owned PCB shops to large international fabricators... and everything in-between.
- +49 6431 92973-0
- Am Fleckenberg 17
Limburg, 65549
Universal Testers
All of our Universal Testers can be manufactured to utilize manual loading, manual loading with auto unloading, or automated load/unload. The interweaving of slip sheets between each PCB is available as well when utilizing an automated load/unload system.
Fault ID & Repair
As a manufacturer of bare PCBs, you know that your reputation sits right on top of every board you send out. You have to get them right, but with every PCB you discard, you’re throwing away precious labor, materials, power and time, along with many other costly elements that go to make up your products. That’s why it’s important to know which of your flagged boards are in fact electrically sound, and whether repair is a viable, reliable option.
Optical Inspection
Typically, in a standard PCB manufacturing facility, there will be a department where people perform inspection of PCBs through a manual processes, such as visual inspection with magnifiers, microscopes, etc...
Flying Probe Electrical Testers
Gardien has been present in the PCB industry since the advent of the personal computer. In our beginning Mania, the company that pioneered some of the first electrical grid testers used by PCB fabricators. We still produce class leading equipment to this day, such as our line of Gardien Flying Probe Testers and our Acceler8 Scanning System.
Dedicated Testers
Dedicated Testers are often inexpensive due to their low test point requirements, which allow for a reduction in switch cards, especially when compared with a Universal Tester. Ease of setup is accomplished through the utilization of transfer connectors between the fixture and the machine. However, this can contribute to a higher fixture cost than typically seen with a Universal Test Fixture due to the nature of their construction which is labor intensive.
Electrical Testing
Board defects are never an option. Your customer expects perfect boards, each time, every time. Electrical testing is the key in ensuring that the connectivity of a PCB is precisely as specified and that there are no defects or flaws that may cause problems down the line.