Radiometer Physics GmbH
RPG manufactures state-of-the-art microwave components and systems operating at cm- mm- and sub-mm frequencies (1.4 GHz to 2 THz) for scientific, commercial and military applications.
- +49-(0)2225-99981-0
- +49-(0)2225-99981-99
- Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 4
Meckenheim, 53340
High Dynamic Receivers
converter series with high dynamic range receivers. Typical applications are antenna measurements (OTA) and signal analysis. The ZRX Receivers are used wherever full S-parameters are not required.
The RPG ZTXRxxx millimeter-wave transceivers are optional for the following four-port vector network analyzers:
Vector Network Analyzer Extenders
Our Vector Network Analyzer Extenders (VNA Extenders) allow high performance frequency extension of vector network analyzers into the THz range. The available models cover a Frequency Range from 50 GHz up to 1.1 THz. Contact RPG to discuss VNA Extender configurations that will gain the best performance for your application.
Humidity And Temperature PROfilers
RPG's profiling radiometers are mainly used to derive vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity (RPG-HATPRO). The infrared radiometer extension allows to cloud base height and ice cloud detection.The radiometer series covers high-resolution temperature profiling of the boundary layer and low-humidity applications. All models of the series provide accurate total amounts of atmospheric water vapor and cloud liquid cloud. RPG radiometers are stand-alone systems for automated weather-station use under nearly all environmental conditions. A variety of retrieval algorithms (custom designed and global standard algorithms) can be selected.
Power Amplifiers
RPG Medium Power Amplifiers are developed and manufactured by using most modern discrete components and thin film technologies, in order to cover the frequency range 50 to 130 GHz. With improved DC-supply and modern semiconductors these medium power amplifiers not only deliver high power output but also superior power added efficiency (PAE) and higher linearity. These medium power amplifiers are available as a standard product and on request as a customized manufactured product..
Low Noise Amplifiers
RPG Low Noise Amplifiers are developed and manufactured using the most modern discrete components and thin film technologies, in order to cover the frequency range 50 to 350 GHz. With improved DC-supply and modern semiconductors these amplifiers not only deliver low noise performance but also broad operating bandwidth and gain flatness. These low-noise amplifiers are available as a standard product and on request as customized manufactured product.
Passive Waveguide Components
We cover all kinds of connections between waveguide, coaxial, micro-strip and co-planar lines. Filters are available in waveguide technology as well as in stripline/micro-strip. Passive structures such as power splitter, power combiner, ortho-mode transducer and hybrids mostly are designed to meet the specific goals of the customer.
Fullband Multipliers
RPG offers a new series of high efficient varactor multipliers based on the newest European GaAs Schottky diode technology. High efficiency and outputpower are one of the key features.
Frequency Multipliers
*no mechanical tuners*fullband operation*planar design*bias voltage required
Narrow Band Multiplier
*no mechanical tuners*fullband operation*planar design*bias voltage required
Frequency Multipliers
*No mechanical tuners*fullband operation*planar design*zero Bias
Microwave Remote Sensing Instruments
We offer a wide range of Microwave Remote Sensing instruments. From Radiometers such as Humidity and Temperature Profilers, Cloud Radars up to Scintillometers.