Photon Kinetics
Since 1979, Photon Kinetics has been a leading supplier of high performance, high productivity test and fiber handling solutions to the optical fiber communications industry: For optical fiber, cable and component manufacturers, we offer the most comprehensive portfolio of high performance testing solutions available, ranging from optical fiber preform analyzers to automated test systems that characterize fiber dimensional characteristics and the key transmission properties of both fibers and fiber-based passive components. Photon Kinetics also provides innovative fiber preparation and temporary alignment products designed specifically for reducing fiber handling costs in the manufacturing environment.
- 1 503 644 1960
- 1 503 526 4700
- 9305 SW Gemini Drive
Beaverton, OR 97008
United States
Far Field Scanner
The 2201 Far Field Scanner provides high speed, high dynamic range measurement of the mode field diameter and effective area of single-mode fibers and the numerical aperture of multimode fibers using direct far field scanning, the ITU reference technique.
Plastic Optical Fiber Preform Analyzer
The unique vertical design of the 2600 Preform Analyzer gives manufacturers of GIPOF the ability to perform completely automated analysis. Its' automated axial (longitudinal) and radial preform positioning facilitates rapid and precise analysis of the entire preform structure. From the acquired index profile, the 2600 is able to calculate geometry metrics such as preform core diameter, outside diameter and core/clad concentricity.
Automated Fiber Handler
The 1200 Automated Fiber Handler is the first fiber preparation product that enables optical fiber manufacturers to significantly reduce the cost of production measurements by automating the critical optical fiber stripping, cleaning, cleaving and temporary coupling processes.
Bare Fiber Aligner
The Photon Kinetics 1120 Bare Fiber Aligner makes it possible to reduce test setup time to seconds, thereby reducing overall testing cost. Just strip the fiber, scribe and break it (or use a more precise fiber cleaver, if desired) and then insert the prepared end into the 1120. In an instant, the fiber is coupled to your OTDR or chromatic dispersion test system with low optical loss and low reflectance. The 1120's compact, ergonomic industrial design is well-suited for low to moderate volume fiber and cable testing applications where automated fiber alignment systems are less economical. It is particularly useful as part of an in-process or finished cable test station employing either the 8000i or 8000 OTDR, and the OTDR Automation Software.
Optical Fiber Analysis System
The 2200 Optical Fiber Analysis System provide high-speed characterization of the spectral loss of single-mode and multimode fibers. Configurations include the 2200 for single-mode fibers, the 2210 for both single-mode and multimode fibers, and the 2220 designed for single-mode fiber ribbons. All three systems employ unique fiber preparation and signal processing techniques, which deliver both the measurement performance and the testing throughput required by high volume fiber, cable and component manufacturers. Options are available for mode field diameter and multimode numerical aperture measurements.
In-Process Test OTDR
The 8000i In-Process Test OTDR is the most recent addition to Photon Kinetics' family of innovative solutions for optical fiber cable testing. The 8000i's "cable test optimization" provides the balance of OTDR dynamic range and dead zone performance that's proven to be most effective for accurate characterization of typical fiber cable lengths. Dynamic range has been maximized to reduce measurement time, while resolution has been tuned to ensure that typical cabled fiber defects are detected. The 8000i delivers this optimized measurement capability at a more economical price than our full featured, final QC 8000 OTDR, which makes it a perfect fit for "in-process" testing on ribbonizing or loose tube production lines.
Launch Analyzer
The 2440 Launch Analyzer is the first fully automated test system for characterizing the optical power distribution of the light produced by VCSEL laser sources, multimode fiber test equipment and launch cords utilized in multimode fiber links. Built on over 20 years of experience testing the transmission and geometric properties of muitimode fibers, the 2440 is the ideal solution for ensuring that source launches comply with applicable international component specifications and measurement standards. The 2440 can be configured for measurements in either or both the 850 and 1300 nm windows.
OTDR Automation Software
Both the 1000i and 1000 OTDR Automation Systems consist of a suite of PK products that accelerate and simplify several time- consuming activities that are a common to the OTDR testing process in cable manufacturing. The cornerstone of both systems is the OTDR Automation Software. provides cable manufacturers with the ability to define comprehensive OTDR testing strategies, to execute these strategies to automatically acquire and analyze the OTDR data, and then organize and package the large quantity of test data in a form that is compatible with existing factory information systems.
Plastic Optical Fiber Analysis System
While the 2500 Optical Fiber Analysis System is the industry-standard for testing standard, silica multimode optical fibers, it is also capable of performing comprehensive characterization of the new generation of graded-index plastic optical fibers (GIPOF). The 2500 provides high speed, repeatable measurement of several critical fiber properties including spectral attenuation, time- domain (pulse) bandwidth, single-mode launch differential mode delay, core diameter and numerical aperture - all in accordance with recently developed IEC measurement standards. The GIPOF-capable 2500 is compatible with fibers having core diameters up to 120 um (IEC Type A4g and A4h).
Production and Laboratory OTDR
The 8000 OTDR is the first of a new generation of OTDRs that has been designed specifically for optical fiber and cable test applications. Its revolutionary "performance first" optical design delivers unsurpassed optical performance, and its MS Windows operating system facilitates integration of the OTDR into manufacturing networks. These features, combined with unique data acquisition capabilities, significantly reduce the time associated with many aspects of the OTDR measurement process, making it possible for fiber and cable manufacturers to increase production output and reduce manufacturing costs.
Measurement System
The 2800 Chromatic Dispersion Measurement System provides fast, accurate measurements of chromatic dispersion and length of all types of single-mode optical fibers. Easy to use Windows-based software provides all industry standard calculation techniques for the determination of zero dispersion wavelength and dispersion slope. Options are available for the measurement of Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) and Fiber Strain.
Fiber Geometry System
The 2400 Fiber Geometry System is designed to provide high-speed automated measurements of optical fiber end-face geometry. Repeatable and accurate measurement of parameters such as core and cladding diameter, core and cladding non-circularity, as well as core-cladding concentricity provide invaluable process control information, and ensure that customer demands for low loss fiber splices are satisfied. Measurement options are available for both side view coating geometry measurement and fiber curl characterization.
Preform Analyzer
The P104 Preform Analyzer provides fast and repeatable measurement of the critical characteristics of optical fiber preform index profiles. Like the 2600 Preform Analyzer, measurements are automatic, reliable, and require a minimum of operator skill. However, the P104 also possesses unique capabilities that are highly beneficial for some specific preform types and processes. The P104's dynamic aperture option greatly improves the characterization of many finely structured preforms, and its patented silica measurement cell minimizes the thermal effects that plague some preform characterizations.
Refractive Index Profiler
The S14 Refractive Index Profiler complements optical fiber preform analysis measurements by providing highly accurate and precise characterization of the refractive index profile of drawn single-mode, multimode, and specialty fibers using the RNF (Refracted Near Field) technique. The S14 index profile data produces fiber geometry information directly. Manufacturers can also use S14 data for the prediction of fiber transmission parameters such as mode field diameter, cut-off wavelength, and chromatic dispersion.
Single Fiber Aligner
The 1100 Single Fiber Aligner uses patented fiber alignment concepts to produce virtually instantaneous temporary couplings for OTDR, dispersion, or any other optical fiber or component test that requires a fiber-to-fiber connection. It delivers low loss, low reflectance couplings on the first try virtually every time, without the need for test instrument feedback. As a result, temporary coupling times are minimized and manufacturing costs are reduced without compromising product quality.