Soft Hearts LLC
We provide professional audio test and measurement software, services and support for consumer electronics throughout the world.
- 1(408) 758-2494
- 7733043555
- 16192 Coastal Highway
Lewes, DE 19958
United States
Audio Test Software
1. Distortion free stimulus even the equalized stimulus.2. Unlimited channels acquisition and processing. (Hardware limited)3. Human correlated listening test(Bark Scale intensity chart). (Requires large memory)4. Hi Res intensity chart for buzz/pop detection. (Requires large memory)5. Auto equalization method with target dBSPL accuracy.6. TCP client for test framework integration.7. Easy limits and logs development.8. Easy logs visualization module.9. Auto waveform alignment and triggering.(Upto single point alignment accuracy)10. Easy regression testing via TCP client.11. Standard Magnitude, Phase, THD, THD+N, Rubb&Buzz, Pink Noise, Noise Tests.12. Unlimited calibrations and equalization for scaling to different products and stations.13. Lowest test system and test sequence development times.14. Requires minimal training and debugging.15. Automatically avoid Reference speaker play and stop pops.16. WMD/ASIO driver compatible sound cards supported.(B&K 3670 recommended)