Insight Product Company
Insight Product Company specializes in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of millimeter, submillimeter, and IR sources, frequency synthesizers, detectors, and mixers.
- (617) 965-8151
- 41 Dedham St.
Newton, MA 02461-2133
United States
Terahertz (THz) Lasers From 0.89 To 2.52 THz
Insight Product Company offers terahertz lasers at frequencies from 0.89 to 2.52 THz. Output power is from 1 mW to 15 mW. Diameter of the output wave beam is ~ 40 mm. Typical sizes is 1.2x0.3x0.4 m. Transformer from quasi-optical output to the standard wave guides can be provided. The energy pumping is provided either by DC discharge or HF discharge.
Synthesizer Up To 140 GHz
Insight Product Company offers a high-power synthesizer of pulsed signals. They are ideal for ESR, EPR, and DNP experiments. The synthesizer has a high frequency stability (10-6), and allows control over the duraction and begining time of pulses. The synthesizer also enables phase manipulation, where each pulse is shifted by 90 or 180 degrees relative to the previous pulse.
Mixers/Receivers In Terahertz Range
Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB)
Insight Product Company offers Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB) mixers, receivers, and chips made from NbN or NbTiN thin film. The HEB mixers can operate at frequencies of up to several terahertz. Advantages: Above about 1 THz Hot Electron Bolometer mixers offer the best sensitivity and lowest noise of all the technology for the coherent detection of radiation.
Generators From 30 To 110 GHz
MHP Series
Insight Product Company offers powerful mm-wave sources with CW power up to 400 mW and central frequency up to 110 GHz.
Pulsed Injection-Locked IMPATT Amplifiers
Pulsed ESR/EPR
Insight Product Company offers pulse injection-locked IMPATT amplifiers for pulse ESR/EPR experiments. Pulsed injection-locked amplifier incorporates IMPATT diode, ferrite input/output isolators, circulators, and pulse modulator. Only DC power supply, RF input signal, and external trigger signal are required to operate the amplifier. Output phase noise parameters are very close to the noise parameters of the input RF signal.
DFM (Deep and Fast Modulated) generators up to 280 GHz
Insight Product Company offers DFM (Deep and Fast Modulated) mm-wave sources at frequencies from 30 to 280 GHz. DFM generators are designed to go swiftly from the generation to the non-generation mode and back. This process controlled by the external TTL signal. ON/OFF switch time is approximately 2 nanoseconds.
Pulsed And CW ESR/EPR And DNP: Synthesizer Up To 140 GHz With Output Power Up To 30 Watt
Insight Product Company offers a high-power synthesizer of pulsed signals. They are ideal for ESR, EPR, and DNP experiments. The synthesizer has a high frequency stability (10-6), and allows control over the duraction and begining time of pulses. The synthesizer also enables phase manipulation, where each pulse is shifted by 90 or 180 degrees relative to the previous pulse. In contrast with the PIN modulators and injection-locked power amplifiers this synthesizer has absolutely no residual signal in the "OFF" position.
TWTs - Traveling Wave Tubes
Travelling wave tubes remains a valuable type of amplifier for high output power in the microwave range. Its main advantages are of high output power, big bandwidth-duration and reliability. Insight Product Co. offers TWT packaged tubes providing output power from tens to several hundred watt in a continuous mode and to 1.5-2.0 kw in a pulse mode, and frequency bandwidth of 1.5 octaves. TWT applications include satelite communications (transponders) both on land and on satelite installations, radio relay communication lines, electromagnetic compatability (EMC) testing industry for immunity testing of electronic devices, and radars (maritime, weather, airplanes, land).
Sub-mm Sources From 179 To 1250 GHz Based On BWO
Insight Product Company offers BWO based sub-mm wave sources of radiation in frequencies from 179 GHz to 1250 GHz. Each source includes a sub-mm wave BWO tube and a specially designed permanent magnet. BWO tube is installed inside the permanent magnet and does not require any adjustments by the customer. Offered sources are the most wide banded, they are very reliable, small sized, powerful and easy to operate. They allow users to control frequency in very wide band and with extremely high speed.
Insight Product Company offers ultrafast superconducting hot-electron bolometers (HEBs) operating at terahertz frequency range. from 0.1 to 70 THz. Superconducting hot electron bolometers HEBs are designed to detect and register the electromagnetic radiation pulses in the frequency range from 0.1 THz to 70 THz.
Terahertz Synthesizer 0.45 THz to 2.85 THz
Advantages: -Significant output power -Extremely stable frequency -Wide tunability -Wide possibility of frequency and amplitude modulation and manipulation, -Convenient for heterodyne and direct detection receiver systems -Ease of control and operation -High reliability
THz And Millimeter-Wave Ultra-Fast Sweepers From 36 GHz To 1250 GHz
Insight Product Company introduces a family of Ultra-fast wide band Sweepers of millimeter and terahertz waves (Insight Sweepers). Insight Sweepers cover frequencies from 36 to 1250 GHz and generate substantial output power.
Voltage Controlled GUNN Oscillators
GV-8 / GV-6
Voltage controlled GUNN oscillators provide optimal electronic tuning by coupling GUNN with tuning varactor. Oscillators provide low AM and FM noise, making them suitable as local oscillators or transmitters.
W-band Transmitter (94 GHz, 50 MW Output Power)
W-band Transmitter (94 GHz, 50 MW Output Power)
Semiconductor Power Amplifiers : Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA) For Indoor (rack-mount) And Outdoor (hub-mount) Settings
Insight Product Company is proud to offer state-of-the-art semiconductor (solid state) power amplifiers that are compact, rugged, and deliver immense power, and expectional frequency stability and minimal phase noise. These solid state power amplifiers are ideal for indoor, rack-mount, or outdoor, hub-mount, applications. We offer S-band, C-band, X-band, and Ku-band amplifiers, with output power of upto 1,000 Watts (varies based on frequency band).