Del Mar Photonics, Inc.
Del Mar Photonics, Inc. is an established manufacturer and system integrator of advanced photonics products for scientific and industrial applications.
- (858) 876-3133
- (858) 630-2376
- 4119 Twilight Ridge
San Diego, CA 92130
United States
Femtosecond Fluorescence Upconversion Spectrometer
Beacon up-conversion spectrometer has been specially designed for measuring fluorescence lifetimes in the 400 - 1500 nm spectral range.
Femtosecond Terahertz Spectrometer
Terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy are becoming a powerful tool in biology, medicine, semiconductor physics and in many applicaitons. Designed for obtaining THz spectra by using of THz pulses generated by femtosecond laser in oriented ZnTe crystal.
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM) is a versatile tool for nano-characterization and nanomanufacturing.Conventional microscopes have fundamentally limited resolution due to diffraction, but there is no such restriction for near-field interactions, that is why near-field microscopy is becoming one of the most important techniques for nano-science.
Single Shot Third-order Cross- Correlator
Rincon SS
Specifically developed for measuring a wide array of output parameters from ultrafast laser systems including: contrast ratio of laser pulses, determining pulse pedestal, pre- and post-pulses, and amplified spontaneous emission in femtosecond systems.
Spectral Phase Measurement
Avoca SPIDER System
Spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER) is one technique that can recover the spectral phase of an input pulse, without needing any reference pulse. SPIDER interferes two pulses which areseparated in time and in frequency, and the resultantinterferogram is read by a spectrometer.
Ultra-Broadband Light Soure
Cannon provides a turnkey portable source of broadband laser pulses without reqiring any user-adjustments to the fiber coupling. Optical Spectrum - 1000 - 1900 nm.
Ultrafast Nearfield Optical Microscope
Femtosecond NSOM
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM) is a versatile tool for nano-characterization and nano-manufacturing.
Atomic Force Microscope
AFM Heron
New, fully motorized AFM HERON (HERO of Nanotechnology) which allows to perfectly align a cantilever, laser and photodiode by just one click on a command button. The scanning settings and landing parameters are also automated that allows to avoid any time consuming adjustment operations, thus leaving more time to researcher for designing the experiment and performing more accurate measurements.
White Light Continuum Generator
A powerful coherent light source. Due to its amazing wide spectral band, the white light continuum is being applied in different areas such as optical parametric amplification, optical metrology, optical coherence tomography, materials characterization, etc.
Femtosecond Autocorrelators - Pulse Measurement Systems
The autocorrelation technique is the most common method used to determine laser pulse width characteristics on a femtosecond time scale . Del Mar Photonics autocorrelators have been specifically designed to measure the width of pulses from femtosecond lasers.
Femtosecond Pump - Probe Transient Absorption System
The Hatteras is first professional system on the market for ultra fast transient absorption pump - probe spectroscopy. Two linear image sensors (multichannel detection) or two photodiodes (singlechannel detection) are placed behind an imaging spectrometer to measure probe and reference pulses, originating from a femtosecond white light (continuum) generator or from an optical parametric amplifier.
Family of Wavefront Sensors
The family of fast, accurate and reliable wavefront sensors. High quality lenslet arrays optimized for reducing the subapereture crosstalk. An interface to a variety of CCD and CMOS sensors allows a wide range of acquisition bands from UV to near IR.
Cross-Correlator Pulse Profiling Systems
The third order cross-correlator is ideal for looking at the full range of output from amplified femtosecond laser systems. High temporal resolution over a long (close to 1 ns) window shows pulse features that are usually missed, giving the user a detailed and complete picture of the quality and stability of the output pulse parameters of their femtosecond lasersystem.