Minioptic Technology, Inc
We offer a variety of ultrafast laser equipment.
- (626) 445-3183
- (626) 445-1952
- 5460 N. Peck Road
Suite S
Arcadia, CA 91007
United States
Delta - Palm-size Single Shot Autocorrelator
The Delta single shot autocorrelator series are perfect devices for measuring the fs (20fs) to ps (100ps) pulses from single shot to high repetition rate (>100 MHz). The pulse wavelength range is from 500 nm to 1600 nm.
Harmonic Generators
Our harmonic Generators include Doubler, Tripler, and Quadrupler for doubling, tripling, and quadrupling laser frequency in the wavelength range 680-1300nm. The second harmonic, third harmonic, and fourth harmonic generation up-convert the laser frequency to a wavelength range 190-650nm. These harmonic generators greatly expanded the application of wavelength range for femtosecond and picosecond lasers available for both amplifiers and oscillators.
Opticala Autocorrelators are devices for measuring the intensity or field autocorrelation function of light, mostly used for determining the pulse width of picosecond or femtosecond pulses, to which an electronic apparatus such as oscillascope would be too slow. The basic principle of operation of an autocorrelator for a pulse width measurement is to check the correlation of the temporal pulse trace with itself.