Becker & Hickl GmbH
Becker & Hickl have introduced a proprietary time-correlated single-photon counting principle that made TCSPC more than 100 times faster than the existing devices. Moreover, bh introduced a multi-dimensional TCSPC process that records the photons not only versus the time in the signal period, but also versus other parameters, such as experiment time, wavelength, or spatial coordinates. The bh devices are designed to record multi-dimensional photon distributions, time-resolved images, sequences of photon distributions, or multi-dimensional time-tag data. The bh TCSPC products are complemented by bh picosecond diode lasers, detector modules, multi-spectral detector assemblies, and experiment control modules. Based on these components Becker & Hickl supply their own confocal fluorescence lifetime laser scanning microscope and FLIM upgrade kits for laser scanning microscopes of various manufacturers. Moreover, bh is supplier of TCSPC modules for commercial time-domain optical tomography instruments. bh market activities include currently 5 workshops around the world and distribution of more than 1200 pages of TCSPC literature.
- +49 (30) 212 80 02-0
- +49 (30) 212 80 02-13
- Nunsdorfer Ring 7-9
Berlin, 12277
Instrument Software PMS Modules
*PMS Standard Software for Data Acquisition*Setting of Measurement Parameters*Control of Measurements for Up to 4 ModulesLoading and Saving of Measurement Data and Parameters*Display of Results as Curves or Bars
Confocal FLIM for Macroscopic Objects
DCS-120 Macro
*FLIM of Macroscopic Objects*Scan Field Up to 15 mm Diameter*Two Fully Parallel TCSPC FLIM Channels*Compact bh Simple-Tau or Power-Tau System*Scanning by Fast Galvanometer Mirrors*Channel Seperation by Dichroic or Polarising Beamsplitters*Individually Selectable Pinholes and Filters*One or Two BDL-SMN or BDS-SM ps Diode Lasers*Tuneable Excitation by Super-Continuum Laser with AOTF*Two Fully Parallel Detection Channels*Two HPM-100-40 GaAsP Hybrid Detectors*Optional: Two HPM-100-06 Hybrid Detectors, IRF Width < 20 ps FWHM*Optional: HPM-100-50 Hybrid Detectors for NIR FLIM*Optional: Multi-Wavelength FLIM*Excellent Time Resolution: Electrical IRF Width 6.5 ps FWHM*Time Channel Width Down to 813 fs*Megapixel FLIM, Up to 2048 x 2048 Pixels at 256 Time Channels*Simultaneous FLIM/PLIM*Wideband Version, Compatible with Tuneable Lasers*Electronic Pinhole Alignment*Optional: Spatial Mosaic FLIM via Motorized Sample Stage
Fluorescence Lifetime Systems
TCSPC, short for time-correlated single photon counting, refers to a powerful analysis method used especially in life sciences and fundamental physics. This technique is used to perform hyper-accurate fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime measurements. As technology leader in equipment for multidimensional single photon counting, Becker & Hickl has been offering a wide range of high-efficiency TCSPC systems since 1993.
Laser Scanning FLIM Microscopes
DCS-120 laser scanner: Compact - Flexible - Precise. As technology leader in equipment and techniques for single photon counting, Becker & Hickl offers the DCS-120 systems that are complete laser scanning microscopes for fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) since 2007. The systems use bh’s multi-dimensional TCSPC FLIM technology in combination with fast laser scanning and confocal detection or multi-photon excitation.
Picosecond-Diode Lasers for Spectroscopy
Designed and manufactured by Becker & Hickl – bh delivers prominent picosecond diode lasers with wavelengths from the NUV to the NIR. All bh pulsed diode lasers work with simple +12V power supply or pull their power from the USB port of a PC or Notebook Computer. Other features are high repetition rate, short pulse width, unprecedented timing and power stability, and extremely low electrical noise level.
Components for System Integration
Bh offers a wide range of accessories to improve your photon counting experiment such as experimental control modules, optomechanics or implantable fiber probes for in-vivo applications. For PMTs and MCPs we offer different preamplifiers and a variety of routing devices for multi-detector operation. For a perfect SYNC signal, trigger modules and a SYG are available.
Instrument Software for SPC- and DPC Modules
*Multifunctional 64 bit Data Acquisition Software*Recording of Multi-Dimensional TCSPC Results and Time-Tag Data*Control of Multi-Dimensional Recording Features*Configurable User Interface*Acquisition of Decay Curves, FCS, MCS Traces, FLIM and PLIM Images*Online Calculation and Display of FLIM, PLIM, FCS, PCH, MCS Traces and Fit of FCS Curves*Different Operation Modes Available*Measurement Control of Up to 4 Modules*Configurable for Different Instrument Configurations*Accumulation and Autosave Functions*Integrated Scanner Control*Saving, Loading and Conversion of Photon Distributions, Images and Time-Tag Data*Saving and Loading of Results and System Parameters*Integrated Control of Ti:Sa Lasers*Integrated Control of Motor Stages
Analysis Software for FCS and cross-FCS
*FCS Fit with User-Defined Model Functions*Identification of Single-Molecule Photon Bursts in Parameter-Tag Data*Analysis of Fluorescence Intensity and Lifetime within Photon Bursts*One- and Two-Dimensional Histograms of Burst Parameters*Filtered Histograms of Burst Parameters*Discrimination of Different Fluorescent Species or FRET States*Determination of FRET Efficiencies*Exclusion of Artifacts in Intensity Traces
Analysis Software for FLIM, PLIM
*Analysis of Single-Decay, FLIM and PLIM Data*Analysis by Iterative Convolution and Fit Procedure or by First Moment of Photon Distribution*Calculations of Decay Parameters and Lifetimes by Various Decay Models*Calculation of FRET Efficiencies*Display of Lifetime and FRET Images*Display of Lifetimes, Amplitudes, Intensities or Ratios*Export of Lifetime Data and Images
FLIM Upgrade Kits for LSMs
As technology leader in equipment and techniques for single photon counting, Becker & Hickl offers a wide range of high-grade Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) systems for laser scanning microscopes since 1998. Our techniques have found broad application within the scope of Life Sciences, Clinical FLIM, Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT), Fluorescence Correlation (FCS, FCCS), Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) and more.
BDS-SMY Series
*Pulse Width Down to 50 ps*Repetition Rate 50 MHz (20 MHz Available on Request)*Free Beam or Fiber Output*CW-Equivalent Power 0.3 mW to 0.5 mW*All Electronics Integrated*No External Driver Unit*Simple +12 V Supply*40 mm x 70 mm x 120 mm
BDS-SM Series
*Pulse Width Down to 60 ps*Repetition Rate 20 MHz /50 MHz / 80 MHz / CW (Switchable)*Free Beam or Fiber Output*All Electronics Integrated*No External Driver Unit*Simple +12 V Supply*40 mm x 70 mm x 120 mm
BDS-MM Series
*Pulse Width Down to 60 ps*Repetition Rate 20 MHz / 50 MHz*Free Beam or Fiber Output*Optical Power Up to 40 mW*All Electronics Integrated*No External Driver Unit*Simple +12 V Supply*40 mm x 70 mm x 120 mm
BDL-SMN Series
*Pulse Width Down to 40 ps*Repetition Rate 20 MHz / 50 MHz / 80 MHz / CW (Switchable)*Free Beam Output or Single-Mode Fiber Coupling*Beam Profile Correction Optics*All Electronics Integrated*No External Driver Unit*Simple +12 V Supply*Fast On / Off / Multiplexing Capability*Synchronisation Input
Confocal FLIM System
*FLIM Upgrade for Existing Conventional Microscope*Two Fully Parallel TCSPC FLIM Channels*Compact bh Simple-Tau or Power-Tau System*Scanning by Fast Galvanometer Mirrors*Channel Seperation by Dichroic or Polarising Beamsplitters*Individually Selectable Pinholes and Filters*One or Two BDL-SMN or BDS-SM ps Diode Lasers*Two Fully Confocal Detection Channels*Two HPM-100-40 GaAsP Hybrid Detectors*Optional: Two HPM-100-06 Hybrid Detectors, IRF Width < 20 ps FWHM*Optional: HPM-100-50 Hybrid Detectors for NIR FLIM*Optional: Multi-Wavelength FLIM*Excellent Time Resolution: Electrical IRF Width 6.5 ps FWHM*Time Channel Width Down to 813 fs*Megapixel FLIM, Up to 2048 x 2048 Pixels at 256 Time Channels*Simultaneous FLIM/PLIM*Wideband Version, Compatible with Tuneable Lasers*Electronic Pinhole Alignment*Z-Stack FLIM Acquisition with Zeiss Axio Observer Z1*Optional: Spatial Mosaic FLIM via Motorized Sample Stage