TEL-Atomic Inc.
Tools for teaching advanced physics.
- 1-800-622-2866
517-783-3039 - 517-783-3213
- 1223 Greenwood Ave.
Jackson, MI 49203
United States
DC Power Supply
Instrumentation is needed for a wide variety of experiments. This category includes both power supplies and measuring devices.
TEL-X-Ometer X-ray System
X-ray experiments can include radiography, x-ray fluorescence, and x-ray diffraction. All can be performed with the TEL-X-Ometer, a compact x-ray source designed for student use. Take a look at the TEL-X-Ometer and accessories today.
Advanced Spectroscopy System
Nuclear Physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions. We offer Geiger-Mueller tube systems for investigating the statistics of radioactive decay, as well as scintillator based systems for gamma spectroscopy.
Electron Diffraction System
Modern physics is the post-Newtonian conception of physics. It implies that classical descriptions of phenomena are lacking, and that an accurate, " Modern", description of nature requires theories to incorporate elements of quantum mechanics or relativity, or both. This section includes many of the most important experiments in physics, including e/m tubes, the Franck-Hertz experiment, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)