Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI's research focuses on theoretical as well as experimental advances in digital signal/image processing, information retrieval and learning systems for various DoD and industrial applications.
- (970) 224-2556
- 425 West Mulberry Street,
Suite 108
Fort Collins, CO 80521
United States
Indoor Gunshot Detection And Response System
Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI offers a new detection system to the facility security and safety industry to quickly neutralize an active shooter and more quickly secure and protect occupants. When confronted with an active shooter situation first responders and safety personnel face immediate tactical disadvantages. Beyond rushing towards ensuing chaos, 9-1-1 calls and eye witness reports are often disjointed, inaccurate, and lack precise location information required to make real time responsive decisions as they arrive on scene. Likewise within the building, the crisis triggers panic and chaotic scrambles towards exits and assumed safe havens. However unorganized and uniformed retreats may actually be leading evacuees back into harm’s way.
Gunshot Detection & Localization System
Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI’s acoustic transient (e.g. gunshot or any other) event detection and localization technologies exploit low-cost distributed sensors with local processing capabilities. Key benefits include: better capture of muzzle blast and ballistic shockwave in urban environments, lower false alarm, real-time response, robustness to loss of sensor nodes, low hardware complexity, flexibility to configure a dynamic local network and ease in deployment. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows for control over the sensors and network while providing an overall assessment picture. Unlike existing gunshot detection and gunshot localization systems, the distributed sensing solutions (algorithms and hardware/software) developed by ISTI can support different sensors including acoustic, seismic and IR.
Versatile Sensor Network
Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI offers a versatile, scalable and easy to use distributed sensor network solution for high fidelity data acquisition and development platform, allowing users/developers to test their signal processing and data fusion algorithms. The system supports multiple sensing types including acoustic, seismic and IR/scanning laser. Among the key capabilities of ISTI’s versatile sensor network are: (a) sensor-level hardware/software to provide configurable sampling and synchronization, on-board processing and storage for low to intermediate-level signal processing and data acquisition; (b) network-level solutions that account for network connectivity and sensor-network health monitoring and support various routing strategies; and (c) system-level console that allows users to select and upload application tasks. Users can choose several modes of operation to examine various factors such as reliability, bandwidth, and data timeliness.
Security and Traffic Monitoring System
Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI’s versatile sensor nodes can support multiple sensing types including acoustic, seismic, visible/IR, and scanning laser. Several eye-safe scanning lasers form a distributed wireless sensor network and can continuously and accurately track as well as monitor ground vehicles and personnel in a surveillance area. This system provides super-fine angular and range resolution to precisely locate moving targets. Among other key benefits are: day/night operational capability, continuous monitoring and surveillance without blind spots, 360 degrees field-of-view, large coverage area, multiple closely spaced target tracking, threat classification, and automatic alarm generation. The system can be used in applications such as traffic monitoring, intrusion detection, border control, airport runway collision and incursion avoidance, and perimeter security.
Vehicle Tracking System
Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI has built a vehicle tracking system that overcomes the challenges with acoustic tracking and localization of small ground and airborne vehicles using low-cost wireless sensor nodes. The sensor-level sub-band feature extraction and streaming of the encoded data enables real-time direction of arrival (DoA) estimation and tracking even for large wireless sensor networks with limited bandwidth. Benefits include: accurate tracking of single or multiple closely spaced electric or gas driven small planes and UAVs, collaborative decision-making, target localization and classification, robustness to sensor node loss, flexibility and deployment ease. The interface gives users complete control over the entire sensor network, including the ability to monitor the azimuth and elevation angles to the targets in real-time.
Adaptive Target Recognition System
Information System Technologies Inc.
ISTI’s adaptive target recognition, detection and classification system for sonar imagery can learn in-situ from expert operators’ feedback in order to yield better accuracy and flexibility in making decisions in new environmental and operating conditions. The developed system is based on the intuitive concept of image retrieval, where images submitted to the system are matched to learned images via a similarity measure. An information-based selective sampling measure chooses the new patterns to be used in the in-situ learning.
Indoor and Outdoor GSD
Information System Technologies Inc.
Low cost, low power distributed sensor network systems for first-responders for indoor and outdoor use.
Species-Specific Recognition System
Information System Technologies Inc.
Feral swine (Sus Scrofa) populations in the United States inflict serious and growing ecological and economic impacts to the farming and ranching ecosystems where the population continues to grow and invade new territory. These invasions ultimately impact the security, quality, and safety of the food supply and water resources coming from these regions. Scientific studies highlight the consequences of the growing feral swine population and the challenges of effectively controlling additional growth. Feral swine are an invasive species well known for destroying crops, damaging farmland by rooting, destroying natural resources such as water supplies, and spreading disease to livestock, other wildlife, and humans. In addition to agricultural impacts, evidence demonstrates many negative effects on local ecosystems and indigenous wildlife.