Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
'NIPPEN' A prominent name in the industry of Electrical Measuring and Testing Instruments has been on the Horizon from the year 1966. Having more than 3 decades experience and existence, 'NIPPEN' emerged as a pioneer in the industry with many innovations to its credit. Over the years, we have built up the expertise which enables us to give the most dependable 'NIPPEN' metering experience.
- 29201581 / 29201806 / 292
- 0091 - 022 - 29205346
- 12-A, Joy Engg. Compound,
Marol Maroshi Road, Marol
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 059
Maximum Demand Controller
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
NIPPEN Maximum Demand Controller offer demand monitoring with date and time of occurrence. The present and predictive demand are displayed separately. The Maximum Demand Controller (MDC) has 4 relays to facilitate tripping of non essential loads.The trip setting is done according to the contract demand offered by the Electricity Board. Demand control is done by 1) Step Demand Control 2) Forecast Demand Control
Automatic Power Factor Controller
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
NIPPEN Model UNO+ is used for measurement and control of PF using Reactive power compensation. Capacitor banks are suitably switched ON and OFF automatically to provide necessary compensation.An Intelligent switching algorithm (Wear leveling) ensures uniform aging of the capacitors used to achieve the Target PF. An Alarm function ensures protection of capacitor banks against abnormality in voltage, current and sets value of capacitors whenever these are beyond the higher and lower threshold limits.CT polarity is automatically sensed internally in the event of reverse connection.
Smart Load Manager
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
This is flush mounting micro controller based instrument with multilayer PCB having SMT components offering accuracy and reliability along with reduction in EMI and EMC interference. These are specially designed to simultaneously measure, display and communicate several electrical parameters. This meter is an Ideal data source for effective Energy management, SCADA, PLC, BMS etc to measure as many as 36 parameters on 23 display pages, which are true RMS. The readings are displayed on 3 line bright Red 7 segment LED, each row/ line having 4 14.2mm high LEDS.
Earth Leakage Relay
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
NIPPEN's Earth Resistance Testers are used for measuring earth electrode resistance, soil resistance, earth continuity, neutral and earth loop resistance, resistance of various components etc.They are used in Railways, Defence, Utilities, Power Plants, Geological Surveys and other Industries.Direct reading type models SET/DET/TET provide direct readings of resistance on moving coil type meters, having a linear scale, 70mm long knife edge pointer and an external zero adjustment.
Multifunction Meter
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
VAF meters measure Voltage , Current and Frequency. Additionally, it measures RPM and Run hour.
Digital Panel Meter
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
To be supplied with the right meter, simply furnish the following details in your order: Model Number, Description of the Meter. Accuracy Class. Voltage Input (110 Volts from PT, 240 Volts line to neutral or 415 Volts Line to Line). PT Ratio specifies the High Voltage Primary first ( 33 kV.110V). Current input (5Amps or 1 Amp secondary ) CT ratio (e.g. 100/5 Amps. etc.). Aux. Supply : 50/60 Hz (240VAC of 110/VAC). Dimension : 96 x 96mm or 48 x 96 mm or 144 x 144 mm.
Current Transformer
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
DIGITAL METERS NIPPEN electronic energy meters are panel mounting type innovative energy monitoring devices ,having state of the art electronic microcontroller circuitry for reliability and accuracy. They can be used for 1Ø / 3Ø balanced and unbalanced loads.
Energy Meter
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
DIGITAL METERS NIPPEN electronic energy meters are panel mounting type innovative energy monitoring devices ,having state of the art electronic microcontroller circuitry for reliability and accuracy. They can be used for 1Ø / 3Ø balanced and unbalanced loads.
Insulation Tester
Nippen Electrical Instruments Co.
DIGITAL METERS NIPPEN electronic energy meters are panel mounting type innovative energy monitoring devices ,having state of the art electronic microcontroller circuitry for reliability and accuracy. They can be used for 1Ø / 3Ø balanced and unbalanced loads.