Vision Engineering Inc.
Vision Engineering Ltd is a global leading-edge manufacturer of unique ergonomic stereo microscopes and non-contact measuring systems.
- +44 1483 248300
- The Freeman Building
Galileo Drive
Woking, Surrey GU23 7ER
United Kingdom
Eyepiece-less Stereo Microscopes
Vision Engineering’s eyepiece-less stereo microscopes are better for users and for business. Their ergonomic design lets the operator sit back in a comfortable position, and the expanded pupil technology delivers an enhanced 3D view of the subject. The relaxed natural posture makes it easy and to work with tools and to manipulate the subject. Greater comfort and ease of use directly translate into greater productivity and quality.
3D Digital Inspection
Digital stereo 3D imaging is a unique, advanced, stereo image presentation system designed to provide fully interactive real time natural 3D viewing and visualisation with outstanding depth perception.
Digital Microscopes
Great for capturing and sharing digital information with anyone, anywhere, digital microscopes by Vision Engineering are built with quality to last a lifetime. Powerful and easy to use, their versatile, operator-friendly design means they can be repurposed as your needs change, protecting your return on investment.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) measure the geometry of physical objects by sensing points on the surface of the object with a touch probe. They are commonly used in manufacturing processes to inspect a physical part or assembly against the design specification.
Stereo Microscopes
From affordable, high quality, stereo zoom microscopes for exceptional value and performance, though to powerful, high resolution stereo microscopes capable of 320x magnification – all supported with a range of productivity options – there’s a solution in our range of stereo microscopes for every application.
Microscope Software
Choosing the right software for your Vision Engineering microscope is just as important choosing the hardware. Whatever you need and however you like to work, you’ll find the right application software here.
Industrial Bench Magnifiers
Our range of Vision LUXO bench magnifiers are widely regarded as the best in their class: the world’s premier lighted magnification system. With perfect balance, brilliant images and optical excellence, you can see every detail with astonishing clarity. Colours are bright and accurate, and we have models with ultraviolet (UV) illumination and with electrostatic dissipative (ESD) capabilities in a range to cover every application.
Non Contact Measurement
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for accurate measurement, and different applications require different measurement systems. At Vision Engineering, we design and manufacture a broad range of non-contact measurement systems from toolmakers’ measuring microscopes to fully automated CNC video measuring systems with optional contact measurement available. Combined with the latest metrology software solutions available, we offer the right tool for the job.