AJIT Electronics Co.
AJIT ELECTRONICS CO. is reputed and leading company engaged in manufacturing, dealing activities in the field of Electronics/ Electrical testing and measuring instruments in India.
- 00-91-251-5670032
- B-301, Vasant Vihar Annexe
Gandhi Nagar
Dombivli, Thane 421204
Circuit Breaker Timer
* Micro - Controller based technology* Very Compact and lightweight* Very accurate measurements* Available with built - in thermal printer or RS 232 interface* Available in bench top and industrial suit case models.* Economical
Double Voltage Double Frequency Generator Setup
This test setup is generally used to perform induced voltage test on the transformers. This set up consists of the USED motor and generator combination to develop the required voltage and frequency. Both generating unit and the drive motor are mounted on a common metallic frame.
3 Phase Shifter
This instrument is capable of producing 3 Phase AC Voltage with phase shifting arrangement between the phases simultaneously.
Automatic Oil Tester
Theses tester sets are used for determining the di-electric BDV of insulating oils, both new and in-service from transformers, switchgear and other electrical equipments.
Oil Tester
AJIT Transformer Oil Set is completely self contained, compact & portable unit giving smooth variable output voltage from zero to 60/80/100KV for testing the dielectric strength of insulating oil.
Automatic Relay Tester
The protective devices such as relays, overload coils, circuit breakers must be checked regularly to ensure that, they are always ready to operate correctly. If a fault occurs in the equipment, which they are protecting, routine relay testing will quickly detect the faulty, incorrectly adjusted protection circuits correctly. It is usually necessary to measure its operating time. The micro controller based time interval meter is used for this purpose in all AJIT brand relay testers.
Portable Relay Tester
The protective devices such as relays, overload coils, circuit breakers must be checked regularly to ensure that, they are always ready to operate correctly. If a fault occurs in the equipment, which they are protecting, routine relay testing will quickly detect the faulty, incorrectly adjusted protection circuit and will possibly prevent serious damage to plant or injury to personnel. Apart from checking the protective circuits correctly, it is usually necessary to measure its operating time. The micro controller based time interval meter is used for this purpose in all AJIT brand relay tester.
HV Tester
For High Voltage withstand, breakdown testing of electrical insulating systems.For Dielectric Strength testing of electrical / electronic components, small appliances, tools, motors, machines etc.
Capacitance & Tan-Delta Test System
By measuring the electrical properties such as capacitance and Tan-Delta regularly on periodical basis, it is possible to ensure the operational unexpected breakdown. Dissipation factor (Tan Delta) is one of the most powerful off-line nondestructive diagnostic tool to monitor the condition of solid insulation of various high voltage equipment.
Contact Resistance Meter
4.5 Digits LED display Range : 0 TO 1999.9 W to 199.99mW High Measurement Current : 100A DC max. True Four wire resistance measuring technique eliminates lead resistance errors inherent in 2 wire systems. Fully protected against overloads. Proven design
Oil Tan Delta Tester / Tester System
The instrument is designed to test the insulation resistance of electronic and electrical components in the range of 1 Meg ohm to 10 Million Meg ohm.
Transformer Ratio Meter
TRM 1000
AJIT Transformer Ratio Meters are the most modern turn's radio meters widely used to test the turn's ratio of high voltage windings, to low voltage windings, of Transformer. These meters are accurate, compact & light in weight.
Current Injection Sets
Built in c based Time Interval Meter measuring from1 millisec to 9999 sec. Panel with easy and clear legends to read. Continuosly variable outputs. Auto Cut-off & output isolated. Self sensing of contacts i.e. NO or NC Potential free star stop signals Available in Portable / Lab type models with metal cover
Digital Panel Meter
This instrument is capable of producing 3 Phase AC Voltage with phase shifting arrangement between the phases simultaneously.
Transformer Test Panel/ Setup
This is a common test panel for distribution/ power transformers of different specifications. The user can perform most of the factory tests, as per the relevant IS standard for the transformers. The panel consists of power analyser, meters for high voltage test, meters for induced voltage test etc, control for all the tests, protection and interlock circuits so that a single panel can be used to conduct a number of tests using only one dimmerstat and the associated devices