Hanatek Instruments
Manufacturer of quality control instruments for the flexible packaging industry
- +44(0)1424 739 622
- sales@hanatekinstruments.com
- Rhopoint House, Enviro 21 Park
Queensway Avenue South, Queensway, St.
Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN38 9AG
United Kingdom
Carton Force Analyser
By measuring the stiffness of the substrate and crease bending resistance the user can optimise cartons for faster running and packaging speeds. The instrument allows individual creases to be analysed identifying problem areas in packaging design or manufacture. Industry research indicates that the packaging speeds of pre-glued skillets is governed by the energy required to open creases. The Hanatek CFA is the first instrument to isolate and accurately measure this key parameter The instrument measures: Bending resistance, bending moment, board stiffness, crease recovery stiffness, crease folding force, crease opening force.
Gloss Meters
Small, lightweight and durable the gloss meter can be used in production and laboratory environments. The high specifications, including statistical analysis, graphical analysis and software-free PC down load facility make it the ideal gloss meter for matt to mirror surface finishes
Rub Tester and Abrasion Tester
This comparative test works by abrading a printed sample against a reference material under known conditions. The results can be used to identify alternative substrates, better ink and coating formulations or the suitability of finished cartons, films or printed books, magazines and promotional materials.
Thickness Gauges
Precision Thickness Gauge is specifically designed to quickly and accurately measure the thickness of a variety of substrates including film, paper, board, foil, tissue and textiles.Operated via an intuitive touch screen interface the instrument will allow the user to define batch size, dwell time & measuring speed.Full test statistics can be easily viewed or printed to label for easy documentation control.
Film Shrink Tester
The Hanatek FST Film Shrink Tester is used to measure the effect of temperature on plastic films. The application of heat causes certain plastic films to rapidly contract; this effect can be used to seal and pack many items from food to consumer goods. The shrink effect is due to internal forces locked into the film during manufacture being released by heating, it is also known as linear thermal shrink or free shrink. The amount of shrinkage is dependent on the film type, thickness and sealing temperature. Testing the percentage shrink of a film ensures that it is suitable for a particular packaging application and establishes the correct temperature for that application.
Compact Friction Tester
This precision friction tester provides detailed information of the slip characteristics of packaging material. Surface slip is a key factor when printing, erecting or filling packaging materials on an automatic line. Friction parameters help the manufacturer understand how the finish of a blown film or printed carton can influence the feeding and running speed.
Crease and Board Stiffness Tester
The instrument measures crease folding force at 90°, board stiffness at 15° and requires no external software for operation. It automatically calculates the crease to board stiffness ratio for instant indication as to whether the material will run correctly on a high speed packaging machine.
Carton Crease Proofer
The Hanatek Carton Crease Proofer (CCP) allows the user to produce production quality crease samples without committing valuable machine time. The instrument can assist in checking ink and coating flexibility. The CCP comes complete with commercially produced rules and dies which are identical to those used on a full sized cut and crease machine.
Novo-Haze TX Transmission Hazemeter
Fast and accurate measurement of the optical quality of plastic films and other transparent materials.This instrument measures total transmission and haze according to ASTM D1003 (CIE C), the most important standard used in most QA applications.Manufactured in direct response to industry requirements, the Novo-Haze TX is offered at huge savings compared to other instruments which contain additional superfluous test methods.The instrument features an intuitive user friendly interface which minimises the test time and makes it an ideal choice for both QC and R&D.Uncompromising design, high quality materials and European manufacture make the Novo-Haze TX the ideal choice for any laboratory or QA environment.