SUBNET Solutions Inc.
A software development and engineering services company dedicated to serving the needs of the electric utility industry.
- 403.270.8885
- 403.270.9631
- #100, 4639 Manhattan Rd SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4B3
Test Set
The ASE2000 Test Set is a full-featured protocol test unit. It provides the user with a powerful and flexible tool for diagnosing communication problems and testing and maintaining RTU and IED equipment. The test set has three modes of operation, Master Simulation, RTU Simulation, and Line Monitor.
Relay Data Emulator™
SUBNET SEL Relay Data Emulator Software can automatically learn a SEL relay’s communication capabilities. SUBNET SELRDE Software can then be directly substituted for the physical SEL relay to safely and reliably commission relay communications. Effortlessly change target and meter data through SUBNET SELRDE Software without the inconvenience or risk of physically jumpering contacts or using expensive and often unavailable test sets to directly inject voltage/current.