Tech-X Corporation
ech-X’s mission is to provide customers with the best computational software and engineering services to enable their breakthroughs.
- 303 448 0727
- 303 448 7756
- 5621 Arapahoe Ave.
Suite A
Boulder, CO 80303
United States
Multi-block / Confined Copolymer & Nanocomposites Simulation Software
Framework that simulates phase morphologies of dense block copolymers melt systems. PSim quickly solves the numerical self-consistent field theory (SCFT) equations for modeling copolymers. Fully flexible chain model, Neutral, dense polymer melts, Flory-type interactions, Pseudo-spectral solution methods, Hybrid-SCFT and Arbitrary confinement
Particle-in-Cell Plasma, Electromagnetic & Electrostatic Simulation Software
The VSim electromagnetic, particle, and plasma high performance application is a flexible, multiplatform, Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulation tool for running computationally intensive modeling problems. VSim enables you to switch easily between 1, 2, or 3 dimensions and then watch your model run lightning-fast. Using algorithms designed for the exacting demands of high performance computing systems, VSim can run simulations on your laptop or supercomputing cluster.