Quest Engineering Solutions
Quest Engineering Solutions is an engineering testing services company. We provide solutions, not simply testing services. We help our customers achieve world-class levels of product quality and reliability.
- (978) 667-7000
- (978) 667-3388
- 10 Cook Street
Billerica, MA 01862
United States
Audio Testing
Sound Power testing is required in many international standards. Quest also offers a variety of additional acoustic tests and the design experience to help you develop quieter products for your customers. Our chamber is able to cancel out all outside forces as well with its free floating floor boards.
Accelerated Aging
The purpose of accelerated aging testing is to speed up the effects of time on a product. This is done to predict the long-term durability and to support shelf-life and expiration dating claims. This is often used in the medical device packaging industry. The relationship between temperature and product life is utilized to determine the test duration of accelerated aging.
EMI and Product Safety Testing
Quest Engineering Solutions now offers EMI testing through our affiliate laboratories. We are able to perform EMI testing to the following test standards and industries.
Custom Testing Services
Quest's extensive experience in the testing industry allows us to customize testing based on your specific needs. Quest can also design and implement unique testing based on individual requirements.
Airflow Testing
Airflow testing can help you optimize product cooling, while minimizing product size and noise.
Salt Spray Testing
Salt Spray testing (Also known as Salt Fog testing) is often used for testing the corrosion resistance of metallic products, or for testing the corrosion resistant coating applied to metallic products, in order to verify that they will function properly when exposed to salt corrosion. This specific type of testing is used as a means to accelerate the salt corrosion exposure in order to gather data on the long or short term effects of salt corrosion on the product or coating material.
Shipping Testing
We provide testing services independent of the companies that are designing and selling the packaging to you. Our services result in lower packaging costs and improved product "plug and play".
ISTA Testing
ISTA is an organization focused on the specific concerns of transport packaging and whose mission is to develop and deliver standards, educational programs and tools for the economic, social, and environmental optimization of packaging systems. ISTA testing is a well defined shipping testing procedure designed to verify that your packaging is sufficient to protect your product during all shipping environments.
Intrusion Protection (IPX) Testing
Quest Engineering Solutions has the capability to perform IPX Water (Intrusion Protection) testing per numerous IEC standards, including IEC 60529. This testing is designed as a means to verify that the products' internal components are adequately sealed and protected from the intrusion of foreign objects, liquids, and fine particles.
Vibration/Shock Testing
Quest Engineering Solutions provides a broad range of vibration testing and shock testing services. We have a variety of vibration test systems of different sizes and broad test capabilities. Vibration and shock testing and vibration analysis are important to achieving product quality. Our experience can help you choose the tests which will optimize your product's design and reliability.
Thermal Shock Testing
Quest Engineering has the capability that you've been seeking to perform thermal shock on a wide array of units. Using our specially designed Thermal Shock Chamber which works like a turnstile to shuttle units between extreme hot and extreme cold conditions.
Temperature/Humidity Testing
Quest has 14 environmental chambers ranging in size from 1 cubic foot to over 1,000 cubic feet, covering temperatures from below -100C to temperatures exceeding 200C. Our temperature/humidity test chambers include one of the largest walk-in chambers (15 x 10 x 8 ft) in New England, table top, high humidity, thermal shock, and high ramp rate test chambers. We can provide a wide range of temperature/humidity conditions on a variety of different product shapes and sizes, from extremely small to large products.