CAL-AV Labs, Inc.
CAL-AV Labs, Inc. (formerly California Avionics Laboratories, Inc.) is an electronic development and production company located in Tucson, Arizona. CAL-AV has provided quality engineering solutions since 1959.
- 520 624 1300
- 520 624 1311
- 2440 N. Coyote Dr, STE 116
Tucson, AZ 85745
United States
Explosive Test Site Range Instrumentation
Firesets, CDU’s EDU’s, Delay generators, firing panels, and custom instruments. Fiber-optic and computer-control options.
Research & Electronic Test Products
he CAL-AV Research & Electronic Test Product line includes Explosive Test Site Range Instrumentation, Illuminated Laser Warning Signs and Special Projects.. Firesets, CDU’s EDU’s, Delay generators, firing panels, and custom instruments. Fiber-optic and computer-control options.
Antennas - ranging in size from small VHF/UHF through large rotatable HF arrays of over 70 feet long. Physically small antennas, including HF compact magnetic loops and end loaded HF versions.